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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The application of ABSS in the screening the students with emotional/behavioral disorders |
作者 |
洪儷瑜 (Li-Yu Hung)、余曉珍 |
中文摘要 |
本簡氏量表乃依據多元「青少年社會行為評量表」(ASBS)所設計,旨在篩選疑似情緒障礙的學生,以進一步運用ASBS鑑定診斷之用。本簡氏量表是多元「青少年社會行為評量表」教師評及同儕評兩種版本簡化而來,原版題數分別為119及113題,內部一致性α值分別為.986及.984。經由BIG STEPS 單參數統計分析找出低(高)於1個標準差的題目,再刪去類似的題目後得出教師與同儕兩版。其題數分別為21及14題,內部一致性α值分別為.935與.896,其測驗訊息曲線與測驗標準誤曲線與原量表大致成相同的走向,顯示此簡氏量表與原量表之測驗品質大致相同,兩版簡氏對不同適應程度學生的區別效果,以同儕評較差。本簡氏量表亦考驗分數切截點在篩選工作之適用。以百分等級25為教師評的切截點其能力值約為1.25,信度為.88;同儕評的切截點其能力值約為.91,信度為.42,較不理想,但考慮兩版對暴力傾向學生與受忽視學生之篩選效果,發現兩版各有不同篩選功能,本研究建議在篩選情緒障礙學生時,合併使用兩版。 |
英文摘要 |
The study aimed to investigate the application of the Adolescent Behavior Short-form Scale (ABSS) to serve the purpose of screen in the multi-step procedure to identify the students with emotional and behavior disorder (EBD). To meet the needs of screen, the ABSS were condensed from the teacher-and peer-rating Adolescent Social Behavior Scale (ASBS) by the BIG one parameter analysis. The items of the original teacher- and peer- rating ASBS were 119 and 113 individually; however, the teacher- and peer rating ABSS were formed as 21 and 14 items with similar content reliabilities with the original ASBS (i.e. the alpha coefficient were .935 and .896). Similar curves in the test information curve and the test standard error between the ABSS and the ASBS were founded, which meant the ABSS provided similar quality of assessment as the ASBS. The percentile of 25 (score of 82 in teacher rating scale and 62 in peer rating scale) to serve as the cut-off scores for screening in the ABSS were also examined. The ability value of this cut-off score in the teacher rating scale is 1.25 and the reliability is .88. And .57 and .90 in the cut-off score of the peer rating scale. According to the result of the ANOVA and the identification percentage of the target groups, either of short-forms ABSS can screen high-risk EBD students satisfactorily. |
起訖頁 |
43-52 |
關鍵詞 |
情緒障礙、篩選、行為評量表、青少年、Emotional/behavioral disorder、Adolescent、Behavior rating scale、Screen |
刊名 |
教育科學研究期刊 |
期數 |
199810 (43:2期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
柯氏性格量表效度概化之統合分析 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
台灣幼兒師資培育 |