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The Causative Constructions in Middle Chinese
作者 魏培泉
本文作者指出中古漢語有如下四種使成結構:甲式即傳統所謂的使成式;乙式即梅祖麟先生所謂的隔開式;丙式的形式為「使(令)+(NP)+ V」;丁式的形式為「V+(NP)+使(令)+(NP)+V」。本文對這四種結構的分布與彼此的關係都有所描述。文中也對甲式的演變提出作者的意見。作者認為該式是由狀述式重新分析為述補式的。雖然這個轉變在中古可能已經開始萌芽,不過作者認為使成式在中古時仍是以狀述式為主。使成式當時能否帶賓語和該式的第二個動詞有關,而且情況隨著不同的動詞而異。至於甲式重新分析為述補式,可能就是在使動式的轉變與使成式的繁化交相作用下逐漸形成的。
This paper discusses the four types of causative construction in Middle Chinese: type A, ''V1 V2+(NP)'', which is sometimes referred to as a ''causative compound'' or ''compound causative''; type B, ''V1+NP+V2''; type C, ''Shi (Ling)+( NP)+V''; and type D, ''V1+(NP)+Shi (Ling)+(NP)+V2''. We examine the distribution and development of each type in detail, giving particular attention to the diachronic development of type A. We argue that the head of type A is V2 in Old Chinese and that this situation continued unto Middle Chinese. The head later changes to V1 in Early Mandarin, a process which may have begun in Middle Chinese. The evidence for asserting that V2 is the head of type A comes from the fact that whether this construction can take an object depends entirely on the transitivity of V2. As for the factors which caused the reanalysis of type A, one possible explanation is the decline in the use of causative verbs and the corresponding increase in the use of causative constructions.
起訖頁 807-856;947-947
關鍵詞 使成結構使成式作格動詞中古漢語上古漢語causative constructioncausative compoundergative verbMiddle ChineseOld Chinese
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 200012 (71:4期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從瓦撒利(Vasari)論「淺平浮雕」(rilievo schiacciato)談東拿帖羅(Donatello)浮雕創作的特色
該期刊-下一篇 從古文字材料談古代的盥洗用具及其相關問題──自浙川下寺春秋楚墓的青銅水器自名說起




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