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從 Ereignis 談莊子與海德格的物觀及其思想中的倫理性
The View of the Thing and the Ethicality of Zhuangzi a nd Heidegger: From the Perspective of Ereignis
作者 楊婉儀
弗蘭克(Didier Franck)在《海德格與基督教:沉默的詮釋》(Heidegger et le Christianisme: L’explication silencieuse)中從Ereignis開展出的物觀,呈顯出海德格與莊子思想在「物化流行」的意涵上彼此應照的可能性。本文嘗試藉著Didier Franck的海德格詮釋,在呈顯物化流行的意涵之外,展示莊子與海德格對於「無用之用」的論述,並進而從「無用之用」與「物化流行」呈顯莊子與海德格思想的關係,藉此回應現代性的拔根問題,並帶出莊子與海德格思想中的倫理性。
In his Heidegger and Christianity: The Silent Explanation (Heidegger et le christianisme: L’explication silencieuse), Didier Franck develops the view of the thing from Ereignis, and shows the possibility that Heidegger and Zhuangzi’s thoughts should be correlated in the signification of“transformation of things.”In addition to demonstrating the signification of“transformation of things”with Heideggerian interpretation summarized by Didier Franck, this essay also attempts to demonstrate Heideggerian and Zhuangzi’s discussion of the“usefulness of uselessness”and what’s more, tries to exhibit their relation between Heidegger and Zhuangzi by demonstrating the“usefulness of uselessness”and the“transformation of things.”Accordingly, this essay attempts to respond to the“uprooting”problem of modernity, and thus to bring out the ethicality of Zhuangzi and Heidegger.
起訖頁 65-81
關鍵詞 發生本身(Ereignis)莊子海德格無用之用物化流行Event (Ereignis)ZhuangziHeideggerusefulness of uselessnessthingtransformation of things
刊名 中山人文學報  
期數 202307 (55期)
出版單位 國立中山大學文學院
該期刊-上一篇 《 平閩十八洞 》 的研究史及其在臺灣與南洋的傳衍
該期刊-下一篇 從良知概念來看海德格的倫理學




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