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After returning to Mongolia——Xi Murong's Nostalgia for Homeland Writing and ''Age of Heroes''
作者 田運良
In 1987, the government opened the door to return home to visit relatives. In 1989, Xi Murong returned home with his father full of nostalgia. He returned to Mongolia, the land of his father and ancestors, and set foot on the distant homeland for the first time. The wilderness of the plateau deeply influenced the grassland of the father (the Mongolian plateau) and the river of the mother (the Xilamulun River), which opened up the experience and vision of ''Mongolia'' in one fell swoop, and was shocked by the huge impact. Since then, I have traveled back and forth to Mongolia many times, personally studying the mountains and rivers of my hometown, visiting and recording the daily life of nomads, looking for the historical and cultural genes hidden in my blood, and the impression of nostalgia has gradually changed from vague and abstract to clear. Delicate practicality, and then develop into a broad and vast yearning embrace, the influence of the influence makes the context of his brushstrokes become vigorous, and the writing topics are also expanded and diversified. Xi Murong's Mongolian writing, including poems, essays, essays, diaries, and photographic collections, is even richer. Most of them contain the profound scenery and customs of the northern part of the country. Style, creating another splendid exotic environment. However, the first edition of the long poetry collection ''Age of Heroes'' presents seven epic poems with a length of more than thousands of lines based on the hot and deep emotions and the exploration of the literature and history of Mongolia's original hometown. As a representative of historical depth and writing history with people, this is also based on nostalgic writing to transform the understanding and retrospective feedback of Mongolian history and Mongolian people. This article uses this to enlighten the series of texts after ''Meng''. Look at the inner nostalgia and the deep meaning of heroic imagery in Xi Murong's hometown writing.
起訖頁 151-183
關鍵詞 席慕蓉鄉愁蒙古書寫英雄時代Xi MuronghomesicknessMongolian writingAge of Heroes
刊名 人文社會學報  
期數 202307 (23期)
出版單位 世新大學人文社會學院
該期刊-上一篇 〈中國軸心突破及其歷史進程〉述評兼論孔子語境中的「天」




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