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Creative Labor and Young Artists: A Comparative and Critical Analysis of Research Approaches
作者 張正霖
本文應用藝術場域之理論框架,以青年藝術家創意勞動的次場域爲分析對象,通過對相關學術論述的闡釋,企圖探討經濟資本、社會資本、文化資本與象徵資本的積累、調動和運作,如何影響青年藝術家的職業生涯。本文經由對結合藝術經濟學、藝術社會學與文化政策有關青年藝術家的核心理論和觀點,發現經濟等四項資本,在青年藝術家的創作和生涯歷程中,是以可相互轉換的形態共存、彼此連結。文化生産場域也傾向給予年輕參與者優先權,用以表徵藝術世界複雜的獨特性及自主性狀態。本文發現,針對青年藝術家的經濟學等論述實踐中,均證實在當代社會中,市場交易和公共性並存的制度化,是支持和培育新銳創作者的關鍵模式。最後,本文針對不同學科在分析上的優勢和限制,以Pierre Bourdieu 的資本多樣化概念進行比較及批評。面對藝術場域中的創意勞動,整合性的理論框架和方法將是更適當的研究模式,以之解釋青年藝術家如何在競爭環境中取得職業生涯的成功或生存。
This paper applies Pierre Bourdieu's art field theory to analyze the sub-field of creative labor of young artists, and attempts to explore the accumulation, mobilization and operation of economic capital, social capital, cultural capital and symbolic capital through the interpretation of relevant academic discourses, exploring how these capitals affect the young artists’ career development. By combining with the core theories and viewpoints of young artists on Economics of Arts, sociology of Arts and Cultural Policy on, the study finds that the four capitals, including economy, coexist in a mutually convertible and interrelated structure in the artistic creation and career of young artists. In addition, the field of cultural production tends to give priority to young participants to represent the complex uniqueness and autonomy of the art world. The study also finds that in the practice of economics and other discourses on young artists, it is confirmed that in contemporary society, institutionalization of market transaction and publicity is a key model for supporting and nurturing emerging creators. Finally, according to Pierre Bourdieu's concept of diversification on capitals, the study analyzes the strengths and limitations of different disciplines. Facing the creative labor of the art field and young artists, an integrated theoretical framework and methodology would be a more appropriate research model to explain how young artists achieve career success and survive in a competitive environment.
起訖頁 67-96
關鍵詞 創意勞動青年藝術家藝術場域研究取徑比較分析creative laboryoung artistsart fieldresearch approachcomparative analysis
刊名 文化研究季刊  
期數 202307 (182期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
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