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Influence of place attachment, cultural attractiveness, and motivation to visit on temple visitors' intention to revisit
作者 陳春富林義斌
In addition to being a center of faith for the residents, temples are also a tourist attraction for their monuments, culture and surrounding food. The Tourism Bureau announced that the total domestic tourism expenditure in 2020 was 11.759 billion yuan; among them, temples account for 14.5% of the most popular attractions for tourists. Because of faith and religious activities, popular temples attract a large number of people and bring in tourism profit. Dajia Jenn Lann Temple attracts more than 100,000 people per year through joint pilgrimage. The annual number of visitors to Nankunshen Daitian Temple is nearly 5 million. Temples combined with night markets, such as the Bangka Longshan Temple and Keelung Temple Market, have both created a win-win situation for temples and night markets. However, under the impact of competition and the on lineization of beliefs, temples have collapsed due to failure to collect money of the offering box. In recent years, studies on place attachment, travel attractiveness, and motivation to visit have been applied to the tourism field. Scholars have found that the aforementioned variables have an impact on tourists' intention to revisit. In this study, visitors' place attachment, cultural attractiveness, and motivation to visit are the independent variables, and intention to revisit is the dependent variable. Through descriptive statistical analysis and SEM, we investigate the status of independent variables and dependent variables, and verify the effect of independent variables on dependent variables. The results show that three independent variables have positive and significant effects on dependent variables. Based on the research results, this study will provide practical suggestions to temple operators and stores in the surrounding tourist spots to enhance tourists' intention to revisit.
起訖頁 23-38
關鍵詞 地方依附文化吸引力參訪動機再訪意向Place attachmentcultural attractivenessmotivation to visitintention to revisit
刊名 結構方程模式統計方法應用期刊  
期數 202306 (12:1期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學休閒事業管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 父母從眾心理對幼兒學習不插電程式設計課程之影響




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