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The Intellectual Development of Wei Xiao: His Dialogue with Wang Yangming in Nanjing
作者 楊正顯 (Cheng-hsien Yang)
The main purpose of this article is to inquire into the relationship between ''mind'' 心 and ''principle'' 理 (also translated as ''pattern'') in the thought of Wei Xiao 魏校 (1483-1543), as well as looking at the psychological changes in his life in the face of setbacks. In Nanjing, Wei Xiao and Wang Yangming 王陽明 (1472-1529) discussed the differences and similarities between Zhu Xi 朱熹 (1130-1200) and Lu Jiuyuan 陸九淵 (1139-1193), and then debated the cultivation of ''restoring human nature'' 復性. Wei Xiao desired to emphasize tranquility and hold onto reverence, whereas Wang Yangming relied on the numinous awareness of the mind; therefore, Wei Xiao positioned the thought of Wang as Chan Buddhism, while Wang Yangming assumed that Wei was merely ''fixing (external) qi'' 定氣. As Wang Yangming came to realize that the numinous awareness of the mind is the enlightenment of the mind, ''innate knowledge'' 良知, and the mind of compassion, Wei Xiao instead continued to maintain his old beliefs. It was not until Wei Xiao experienced the failure of his official career, the grief of losing his son and grandson, and the frustration of his disciples turning their backs on him, causing him to lose his mind and putting him at unease, that his thinking started to change. In his later writings, namely Liushu jingyun 六書精蘊 (Profound Essentials of the Six Types of Characters) and Daxue zhigui 大學指歸 (Direct Guide to the Great Learning), he adopted the theory of ''innate knowledge'' to revise his previous views on ''mind'' and ''nature.''
起訖頁 41-80
關鍵詞 魏校主靜持敬王陽明絕後Wei Xiaoemphasizing tranquilityzhujing主靜holding onto reverencechijing持敬Wang Yangmingwithout descendants
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 202306 (41:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 官修經解與道統意識──以《禮記集說大全》為對象的探討
該期刊-下一篇 十七世紀朝鮮交鄰政策之轉變──以對日、後金往來文書為例




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