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Communication Model of Interdisciplinary Art Collaboration as Research: Cases of Artists-in-Residence
作者 葛昌惠梁桂嘉 (Kuei-Chia Liang)
Interdisciplinary art collaboration is gaining attention in Taiwan. However, past research has mainly focused on the conflicts between new media/materials and forms of presentation instead of analyzing methods of interdisciplinary collaboration and communication. Studying the case of“Intergrass: Traditional Chinese Edition 1.0,”a project by LAB of the Distant Relatives, this research aims to determine how a team collaborates on an interdisciplinary art project, including their methods of communication, alignment, and determining workflow. Furthermore, by analyzing records of discussions between the artist residency program and the artist team, along with their public speeches and art reviews on the project, this study proposes a communication model of interdisciplinary art collaboration in the Taiwanese contemporary art context. The results indicate that the cognitive and communicative statuses of interdisciplinary collaborations are influenced by two types of factors, namely, social stereotypes and team contexts. On the one hand, the general public’s expectation of how artworks should be exhibited constrains how the artist team and residency program define cross–discipline experiments and innovations, and ultimately affects the outcomes of interdisciplinary experiments. On the other hand, interdisciplinary collaborations are also influenced by the text, collaborators, and conscious flows, as these factors affect the methods of communication. In general, the conscious flow among collaborators is affected by the roles of collaborators and their ability to execute. Therefore, listing one’s needs and progress will facilitate team alignment and encourage a more harmonious communication environment. Discussions and the sharing of information can be facilitated with the help of digital cooperation tools. For instance, posting cute emojis and sharing photos of works can foster a friendlier work environment, making the dull process of experimentation more enjoyable. Through these discoveries, we hope to shed some light on the exploration of the internal process of interdisciplinary art collaboration.
起訖頁 81-104
關鍵詞 心智模型紮根理論溝通模式跨領域藝術合作駐村mental modelgrounded theorycommunication modelinterdisciplinary art collaborationartist - in - residence
刊名 清華藝術學報  
期數 202212 (4期)
出版單位 國立清華大學藝術學院  
該期刊-上一篇 沉浸於空間中的身體感知:空間沉浸式互動裝置藝術之美學評析
該期刊-下一篇 克萊爾.奧馬.穆瑟《C大調練習曲》之樂曲分析與演奏詮釋




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