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清華藝術學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Body Perception in the Immersive Space: Aesthetic Analysis of Spatial─Immersive Interactive Installation Works of Art
作者 萬丹雅
Due to the rapid development of digital technology, the combination of interactive technology and immersive art emphasizes the perceptual experience of the participant’s engagement in the artwork. The spatial–immersive interactive installation work of art involves the creation of a spatial atmosphere and the process of a human–computer interface. Therefore, in addition to feeling through the spatial situation, participants can also immerse themselves in the interactive experiences. This perceptual experience consists of the operation of the corporeality that integrates the spiritual dimension with the sensory perception, resulting in the aesthetic experience of synesthesia.
On the basis of interactive installation art,“the spatial–immersive interactive installation work of art”emphasizes the atmosphere and integration with the space to create an immersive experience. Departing from the re–definition of“the spatial–immersive interactive installation work of art,”this research deeply examines immersive space, the mechanism of the human–computer interface, and body perception through the relevant interactive installation artworks as analytical cases. In terms of experiencing the spatial–immersive interactive installation works of art, there will be a relationship between“spatial–interaction–body.”As discussed above, based on the“spatial–interaction”relationship and the“interaction–body”relationship, this research discusses immersive experiences and explores the aesthetics of spatial–immersive interactive installation art.
起訖頁 57-80
關鍵詞 互動裝置藝術共感聯覺沉浸空間身體感知覺體驗interactive installation artsynaesthesiaimmersive spacecorporealityperception
刊名 清華藝術學報  
期數 202212 (4期)
出版單位 國立清華大學藝術學院  
該期刊-上一篇 一種基於視點與時間變動雙軸的新影像空間:論「teamLab無界」展覽中的個人自拍
該期刊-下一篇 跨領域藝術合作溝通模式研究──以駐村經驗為例




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