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The Urban Management System and Community Organizations in Transiting China: The Case of the Owner’s Committee
作者 鄭淑美
Under the planned economy, the Chinese urban management was built on the administrative system which working units (Danwei regime) took dominant position while the“neighborhood committee”was the supplementary one. With transition to market economy and changes in social structure, the disadvantages of the traditional administrative management seems mounting. To solve the problem, the state promotes community reconstruction. According to this plan, community organizations are established and then affect the grassroots state power. The housing reform of 1990s gave birth to the owners’committee which is an organization to protect house property. For that matter, the community governance is changing into a triangular structure with owners’committee, residents’committee, and estate-servicing company as key roles. Does the emergence of the owners’committee mean the burgeoning of civil society in China? Or they are merely the agent of state at the grassroots level? Regard to this, this article claims that three mechanisms-state dominance, market transition and legitimacy-leads to the rise of owners’committee and demonstrates that“property right”and“power recombination”are the key elements to influence the autonomy of owners’committee and the diversity of community structure. According to these findings, this paper may shed new light on the change and development of community organizations in urban China.
起訖頁 79-123
關鍵詞 城市基層管理體制社區自治組織業主委員會物業管理公司居民委員會Urban Management SystemCommunity OrganizationOwners' CommitteeResidents' CommitteeEstate-servicing Company
刊名 東亞研究  
期數 200607 (37:2期)
出版單位 國立政治大學東亞研究所
該期刊-上一篇 我國選民配票行為之研究:以2001年立法委員選舉為例
該期刊-下一篇 制度變遷、精英回應與民主進程:中國大陸東城、西邦兩市「村改居」歷程的研究




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