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India-EU BTIA: Status, Issues and Way Forward
作者 阿碧塔‧穆柯吉塔弩‧高雅爾拉姆尼特‧高斯瓦密
印度與歐洲聯盟(EU)的長期關係可追溯到1962年。2000年兩方決定建立戰略伙伴關係以深化與擴大雙邊貿易與投資。2007年兩方開始舉行印度-歐盟雙邊貿易與投資協議(Broad-based Trade and Investment Agreement, BTIA)的談判。雖然印度與EU有貿易互補性,且可預見有利益,但是印度-歐盟BTIA的談判卻一直進展遲緩。由於目前印度與歐盟雙方經濟成長越來越緩慢,使得此項談判更加陷入困境。因為全球經濟不景氣以及歐元區危機之故,導致EU採取保護主義措施與印度經改減速。儘管如此,雙方仍有很強的意願完成此項談判。在此背景下,本文主旨即在點出完成印度-歐盟雙邊貿易與投資協議所必須克服的挑戰以及提出使該項談判得以突破瓶頸邁向成功的建言。文中作者先就印度-歐盟貿易與投資關係做一簡述,然後聚焦於對BTIA談判有負面衝擊的問題。最後,將就如何使兩方得以合作成功地完成一對雙方皆獲利的雙邊貿易與投資協議提出建言。
India and the EU have a long standing relationship that dates back to 1962. In the year 2000, the two economies decided to enter into a 'strategic partnership' and in order to deepen and widen their bilateral trade and investment relationship, in 2007, they began to negotiate a Broad-based Trade and Investment Agreement (BTIA). The BTIA is a comprehensive agreement, which aims to liberalize trade in goods, services and investment and have chapters on economic cooperation, government procurement, intellectual property rights and sustainable development, among others. This will be India's first trade agreement with a developed country and the most comprehensive trade agreement. It is also the EU's first trade agreement with a large emerging market. India and the EU have significant trade and investment complementarities. To date 16 rounds of negotiations have been completed.
起訖頁 1-66
關鍵詞 印度歐洲聯盟貿易服務業投資IndiaEUtradetrade in servicesinvestment
刊名 國際關係學報  
期數 2014 (37期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外交學系
該期刊-下一篇 紐西蘭與亞洲經濟整合




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