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Chenli's auxiliary interpretation and innovation for Caishen's ''Shu Ji Zhuan''
作者 顧海亮
Chenli, a Confucian scholar in the Yuan Dynasty, whose writings Shu Ji Zhuan Zuan Shu is the masterpiece of Shang Shu study in the Song and Yuan Dynasty. In the early years, Chenli wrote Shu Jie Zhe Zhong, preliminarily interpreted Caishen's Shu Ji Zhuan, doubting and criticizing it a lot. Cheli created Shu Ji Zhuan Zuan Shu after 1315, based on the absorption for Shu Jie Zhe Zhong, he still inherited his ideas for Shang Shu study. Specifically, Chenli has taken many scholars' opinions into account, interpreting Shu Ji Zhuan from many aspects, such as exegetics, history, geography, natural history, institution and the explanation for each chapter in Shang Shu. Sometimes he examines the root of Shu Ji Zhuan, sometimes he doubts Shu Ji Zhuan, sometimes he discuss the advantages of Shu Ji Zhuan, sometimes he criticizes Shu Ji Zhuan. His interpretations are reasonable, even insightful to some degree, such auxiliary interpretations have helped people understand Shu Ji Zhuan more deeply and deepen the understanding for Caishen's book. Therefore, Chenli does not change his original ideas for Shang Shu study although Shu Ji Zhuan has been adopted as the textbook in the imperial examination. To sum up, the editors of Complete Library of Four Branches of Books are not aware of Chenli's contribution for Shang Shu study, since they consider Shu Ji Zhuan Zuan Shu as only supplement for Shu Ji Zhuan, lacking of criticizing and correction, and it is totally different from what he has pointed out in his old book Shu Jie Zhe Zhong.
起訖頁 29-98
關鍵詞 陳櫟《書集傳纂疏》蔡沈《書集傳》羽翼發明ChenliShu Ji Zhuan Zhu ShuCaishenShu Ji ZhuanAuxiliary interpretationInnovation
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 202212 (35期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 黃仲則〈僧伽塔〉之內容意蘊及章法結構探析
該期刊-下一篇 虛構、邊緣與缺席:當代歷史小說《永安調》的寫作策略




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