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The Relationship between Person-Job Misfit and Turnover Intention among Newcomers: The Mediating Role of Organizational Frustration and Moderating Role of Authoritarian Leadership
作者 李庭閣 (Ting-Ko Lee)嚴國晉余宗憲
近期研究指出新進者的「不適配」是影響離職的重要因素,然,未深入探討兩者間可能存在的心理與條件因素。基於組織挫折模型,本研究探討新進者個人-工作不適配是否容易引發組織挫折進而出現離職傾向。此外,我們檢視威權領導對上述關係的調節式中介效果。不適配包含需求-供給與要求-能力不適配。以樣本一的302 位新進軍官與樣本二的163 位新進警消人員為樣本,均區分兩個時間點收集資料。結果顯示:(一)不論在樣本一與二,組織挫折對新進者需求-供給/要求-能力不適配與離職傾向之間均具有正向中介效果;(二)在樣本一,威權領導會強化要求-能力與組織挫折間的關係進而增加離職傾向;然而,在樣本二,威權領導的調節效果不顯著。最後,針對研究結果進行理論與實務意涵的討論。
Recent studies have highlighted how newcomer misfit is a critical antecedent of turnover, but the possible psychological mechanism and conditional factors in this process have not been explored. Thus, we employed a model of organizational frustration to examine whether subordinates' organizational frustration mediates the relationship between newcomers' person-job (P–J) misfit and turnover intention. Moreover, we investigated the moderated mediation effect of authoritarian leadership on the above relationship, finding that P–J misfit includes the need-supply (N‒S) and demand-ability (D–A) misfits. In sample 1, the data were collected from 302 military newcomers; in sample 2, the data were collected from 163 policeman and firefighter newcomers. These two samples were collected at two different time points and with different units. Our study results are therefore as follows: (1) In samples 1 and 2, organizational frustration positively mediated the relationship between newcomers' N‒S misfit/D–A misfit and turnover intention; (2) in sample 1, authoritarian leadership strengthened the relationship between newcomers' D–A misfit and organizational frustration; thus, turnover increased. However, in sample 2, authoritarian leadership could not strengthen the relationship between newcomers' N‒S misfit/D–A misfit and organizational frustration. Finally, we also discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our results.
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 威權領導個人-工作不適配組織挫折離職傾向authoritarian leadershipperson-job (P–J) misfitorganizational frustrationturnover intention
刊名 管理學報  
期數 202303 (40:1期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國管理科學學會
該期刊-下一篇 百折不撓還是一蹶不振?從資源保存理論探討雙元威權領導的作用效果




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