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The Forgotten Hero: Reassessing the Military Contributions of Ma Gui in the Imjin War
作者 徐成
Ma Gui 麻貴 (1538-1616) was one of the highest-ranking generals of the Ming dynasty involved in the Japanese invasions of Korea of 1592-1598 (the Imjin War), and concerning his contributions as a whole, numerous historical works, including the History of Ming 明史, hold a negative attitude. But by a comprehensive investigation into the related historical materials of China, Korea, and Japan, we can see through the erroneous facts and discover that these accounts are far from the truth: Ma Gui, for example, participated in the planning and directing of a series of campaigns, including the Battle of Jiksan and the two sieges of Ulsan, thereby greatly contributing to victory in the war. Because of his efforts in the defense of Korea and the return of largely peaceful relations in East Asia, the Joseon dynasty gave preferential treatment to his so-called descendants who had “moved East” out of gratitude. However, this feeling of appreciation gradually died out due to various complicated factors, and the contexts and contributions of Ma Gui’s military participation as well as aid to the Korean government were also forgotten over time. More specifically, one of the primary reasons is that the rise of nationalism in the Korean Peninsula during the modern era led to the deliberate discounting of Ming forces. Moreover, the present article explores how the complexities of the original historical materials present several difficulties in the reconstruction of historical facts, exemplified by how historical actors from different perspectives and personal factors chose to construct dissimilar discursive narratives.
起訖頁 197-242
關鍵詞 麻貴萬曆援朝戰爭稷山之戰蔚山之戰跨國史Ma Gui麻貴the Imjin Warthe Battle of Jiksansieges of Ulsantransnational history
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 202212 (40:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 元代江南秋稅糧額初探──明清江南重賦之前史
該期刊-下一篇 木陳道忞別集的流傳、刊刻與相關問題




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