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Amounts of Autumn Tax in Jiangnan during the Yuan Dynasty: A History of Heavy Taxation in Jiangnan before the Ming-Qing Period
作者 邵長財
The notion of “heavy taxation in Jiangnan” in the Ming and Qing dynasties has deep historical roots, a phenomenon that did not suddenly appear in the early Ming but was rather continuously developed from the Song to Ming—with the Yuan dynasty being particularly important. An analysis of the amounts of autumn tax in Jiangnan during the Yuan shows that “Jiangnan” was not a homogeneous whole, but a region maintaining large differences. The burden of the autumn tax varied from one prefecture to another, but was generally higher than the national average. Moreover, during the course of the Song to Yuan and then to the Ming, the amounts of the tax in Jiangnan increased continuously, showing a high degree of continuity. The dynastic transitions did not reverse this trend, but rather facilitated it to a certain extent. Of the three, the Yuan dynasty inherited certain Southern Song instiutions which in turn influenced the Ming, thus being the key period in the formation of “heavy taxation in Jiangnan.”
起訖頁 155-196
關鍵詞 元代秋稅糧額江南重賦宋—元—明連續性Yuan dynastyautumn taxheavy taxationJiangnanSong-Yuan-Ming continuity
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 202212 (40:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 論《楞嚴經》如心思想對黃庭堅及後世「鼻觀詩」的影響
該期刊-下一篇 被遺忘的「東征奇將」──麻貴與萬曆援朝戰爭諸問題發覆




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