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A Study on the Evolution of Television Sets
作者 王蕓瑛
電視機被公認是20世紀最重要的發明之一。自1926年約翰.貝爾德(John Logie Baird)展示世界上第一台機械式電視機至今近百年,電視機的發明不僅滿足人們對於即時影像呈現眼前的期待,隨著科技的演進,科學家嘗試以不同的科學原理,期使電視機的影像更清晰、色彩更真實、尺寸更巨大、體積更輕薄、功能更多元等,以迎合消費者的需求。映像管電視是最早普及化的電視機,幾乎獨霸20世紀的電視機市場;隨後由於消費者對薄型電視機的需求,研發出電漿電視及液晶電視。21世紀初期,電漿電視挾其大尺寸及顏色顯像之優勢,一度被喻為取代映像管電視機的明日之星,隨著液晶大尺寸面板技術成熟,液晶電視以輕薄省空間、省電以及價格等優勢,打敗電漿電視成為電視機市場主流。本文藉由探討映像管電視、電漿電視以及液晶電視之發明歷程,以增進民眾對電視機科學原理以及市場興替之認識與了解,並提供博物館進行電視產業相關物件徵集及規劃展教推動活動時參考之用。
Television is one of the most important inventions of the 20th century. The world's first public demonstration of a mechanical television system was given by John Logie Baird in 1926. For nearly 100 years, scientists tried different scientific principles to make TV with clear images, vivid colors, big-screen, lightweight, and multiple functions to meet the needs of consumers. Cathode ray tube TV was the earliest popular TV and dominated the TV market in the 20th century. Due to the demand for flat-screen, plasma TVs and liquid-crystal display (LCD) TVs were developed. In the early 21st century, plasma TV was regarded as a rising star to replace cathode ray tube TV due to its advantages of large screen size and better color accuracy. With LCD large-size panel technology reaching maturity, LCD TV has become the mainstream of the TV market by defeating plasma TV with light, space-saving, power-saving, and lower price advantages. This article aims to discuss the technological development of cathode ray tube TV, plasma TV, and LCD TV, to enhance the public's recognition and understanding of the scientific principles of TV. It also provides a reference for museums collecting objects related to the TV industry and planning exhibitions and promotion activities.
起訖頁 155-180
關鍵詞 電視機映像管電視電漿電視液晶電視televisioncathode ray tube TVplasma TVLCD TV
刊名 科技博物  
期數 202212 (26:4期)
出版單位 國立科學工藝博物館
該期刊-上一篇 科學博物館執行當代蒐藏之探討──以國立科學工藝博物館為例
該期刊-下一篇 台灣數位典藏發展趨勢之分析──以100至110年期刊論文內容為例




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