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From Defects to Dialogues to Creation─On the Practice of“Participatory Authority”and“Digital Curation”in Museum Technology
作者 施登騰
There are some existing opinions about “digital museum” being impracticable. Many issues on digital archives and applications are open for discussion, however, the digital interpretation technology involved in related issues requires more discussion and intervention from different perspectives. “Art Appreciation” is tacit knowledge when it is subjective experience observation, however, when it is expressed through embodied and visualized texts or multimedia, then it is explicit knowledge. “Digital interpretation” is to provide third-party expertise to construct searchable, accessible, usable, recognizable, and perceptible interactions on the basis of existing “content specialty” and “technical specialty.” As far as digital interpretation is concerned, “tacit knowledge” and “explicit knowledge” are indeed mutually beneficial and supportive. Consequently, this research uses digital archives as material, discusses the issue of “sharing authority” after the digital democratization as open source, and specifically implements it through “digital curation” methods with digital interpretation technology as the core. In response to the research conclusions from “defects to dialogue to creation,” this research proposes “Ternary Structure” as a concrete reference model for the co-construction of digital content and digital technology.
起訖頁 129-154
關鍵詞 共享權威博物館科技數位典藏資料數位策展擴增實境participatory authoritymuseum technologydigital archivesdigital curationaugmented reality
刊名 清華藝術學報  
期數 202112 (3期)
出版單位 國立清華大學藝術學院  
該期刊-上一篇 論新興設計實踐的第四次轉向:思辨作為倫理
該期刊-下一篇 重思大學美育的人文涵義──以北京清華大學為例




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