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On the Fourth Turn of Emerging Design Practice: Speculative Ethics
作者 張黎劉宇佳
由技術變革所導致的社會與文化巨變引起了經驗層面與理論層面之間的斷裂。本文討論的核心問題是,在新興技術滲透之下,設計實踐發生了哪些新的變化,形成了哪些新的特徵、產生了哪些新的可能。本文結合人機交互設計的幾次浪潮以及庫恩(Thomas Samuel Kuhn, 1922-1996)的範式理論,對新舊範式之間的變化進行了對比研究,描摹了新興設計實踐正在發生的第四次轉向,即以「思辨倫理」為特點以及對非人類中心主義的強調。與以意義為中心的語意學轉向不同,第四次轉向共同關注的是人與世界之間理想關係的諸多可能,由此意義升級為願景並突出了「詩性轉折」的倫理價值。
The social and cultural upheavals caused by technological changes have led to a rupture between the empirical sensibility and reason. The essential question discussed in this paper is what new changes have occurred in design practice, what new features have been developed, and what new possibilities have emerged as a result of the penetration of new technologies. In the context of several waves of Human–Computer Interaction design and Kuhn’s paradigm theory, this research puts forward a comparative study of the changes between the old and new paradigms. It describes the fourth turn in emerging design practice, which is characterized by “speculative ethics” and an emphasis on non-anthropocentrism. In contrast to the meaning-centered semantic turn, the fourth turn shares a concern with the many possibilities for the ideal relationship between human beings and the world. Therefore, meaning is upgraded to vision and the ethical value of the “poetic turn” is highlighted.
起訖頁 113-128
關鍵詞 思辨倫理思辨設計設計倫理新興設計範式轉向speculative ethicsspeculative designdesign ethicsemerging designparadigmturn
刊名 清華藝術學報  
期數 202112 (3期)
出版單位 國立清華大學藝術學院  
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣轉型正義策展的當代激進性:以促轉會對話展、人權藝術季及推廣企劃示範展為例
該期刊-下一篇 從缺陷到對話到創作──論博物館科技的「共享權威」與「數位策展」實踐




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