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The Necessity of Making an Anti-Cyber-Bulling Act: The American and Canadian Cases
作者 張蓉君
The problem caused by cyber-bulling has existed in Taiwan for a long time, no consensus has been reached regarding the necessity of enacting an anti-cyber-bulling act to solve the problem. This study reviews the American and Canadian laws which deal with the social disturbance caused by cyber-bulling. The two countries' cases involve the dialectic between freedom of speech and the anti-cyber-bulling acts. The American and Canadian's experiences of dealing with cyber-bulling also pinpoint the necessity of making laws to decrease the cases of cyber-bulling. Thus, this researcher believes that making a law to deal with cyber-bulling does not limit the freedom of speech. Besides, from the perspectives of deontology or teleology, it is an ethical decision to make a law of anti-cyber-bulling. After the law is enacted, the cyber-bulling speeches can be judged by a summary court and be restricted to protect the victims. Overall, the legislative works should recognize the potential harms of the rapid spreading bulling speeches in the Internet websites and make a special law to deal with this problem.
起訖頁 103-132
關鍵詞 網路規範言論自由網路霸凌專法倫理學internet regulationsfreedom of speechanti-cyber-bullying actethics
刊名 行政暨政策學報  
期數 202212 (75期)
出版單位 國立政治大學公共行政暨政策學系
該期刊-上一篇 規模重要嗎?民間宗教型戒癮安置機構的組織運作差異




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