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作者 林媺
Proverbs belong to the essence of language itself, they are also the crystallization of the experience and wisdom of national life, and it is the integration of culture. Shao Jing-min pointed out that ''proverbs are popular but profound idioms that are spread among the people.'' When translating, the handling of proverbs will definitely be encountered. Various countries contain a variety of diverse proverbs. Under different cultural backgrounds, differences in the characters and life experiences mentioned in proverbs are objective facts. What should be done when translating these proverbs with cultural meanings and profound meanings? For practical translation studies, this is an topic worthy of discussion. Some advanced scholars admire wordfor- word translation, and they advocate that the translation of such idioms should directly copy the metaphors, images and national colors used in the original text. Bekku, Sadanori explained that translation is ''the equivalent conversion of the meaning expressed in one language into another language.'' Fujioka, Keisuke stated that ''if it cannot be translated into each other, it is not a translation.'' As for Zhu Guang-Xing's view, ''the translation that cannot show the same meaning is a mistranslation.'' Translation is the transformation and transmission of meaning, and it is obviously the fundamental purpose to convey the same meaning. This research proposes proverbs with cultural semantics, and after considering the local culture and language background, it is verified based on the assumption that the translation is literally different from the original but may be an appropriate translation.
起訖頁 67-91
關鍵詞 諺語;等值;直譯;意譯;信達雅;Proverbs;Equivalence;Word-For-Word Translation;Free Translation;Faithfulness;Expressiveness;Elegance
刊名 中日文化論叢  
期數 202007 (37期)
出版單位 中國文化大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 紀行文としての江文也「北京から上海へ」について-芥川龍之介『支那游記』との対比を通して-
該期刊-下一篇 從省略看翻譯之問題及策略——以應日系大四生之翻譯為分析對象




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