中文摘要 |
宮崎駿作品的女主角大多是性格開朗、勇敢且內心堅強的女性。與迪士尼動畫電影中典型的女主角們相比,對代表「王子殿下」的男性角色的依存度較低,被描寫為獨立的存在。特別是在以女主角的成長過程為題材的作品之中,也有由女主角拯救戀愛對象的男主角,即把女主角作為女英雄來描寫的作品。 本研究所關注的作品為『魔女宅急便』(1989年公開)。這部作品被指出是宮崎氏正式地創造出具有寫實的「少女成長物語」以及「女性救助男性」這兩點,至今鮮見的女主角像,因此成為劃時代的作品。 本研究中,將焦點集中在『魔女宅急便』描繪的「少女成長物語」裡,女主角的挫折與克服(飛行魔法的喪失與回復)的場景,並針對在宮崎駿作品之中以女英雄作品為起始的本作裡女主角的獨立性質進行討論。 Most of heroines are cheerful, brave, and strong-minded in animations directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Compare with the typical heroines of animated films produced by Walt Disney Pictures, they are self-reliant and less dependence on “prince”. It is also especially that describe the scene of heroine gives relief to hero in productions on the theme of heroine’s growth, that is to say, it portrays heroine as a girl hero. The research takes note of “Kiki’s Delivery Service” (release in 1989). It is pointed out the production is revolutionary because it doesn’t have been saw that serious realistic “girl’s coming of age story” and “female give relief to male” of the heroine who composed by Miyazaki. The research focuses on the scene of frustration which heroine is confronted and overcome it (the loss and recovery of fling ability) in “girl’s coming of age story” of “Kiki’s Delivery Service”, and considers the self-reliance quality that heroine has in the production which is the first time composed a girl hero story by Hayao Miyazaki. |