中文摘要 |
本論文在前半段的部分,分析比較明治政府在沖繩、台灣之統治初期時期的日語教育法。在論文的後半段部分,分析比較在兩個地方於統治初期時期所使用的會話教科書『沖縄對話(書籍:OKINAWA TAIWA)』以及『臺灣適用會話入門全(書籍:TAIWAN TEKIYOU KAIWA NYUMON ZEN)』。分析結果發現,沖繩以及台灣,在統治初期時期,因語言不通的情況下,皆以「對譯」的方式來教授日語。但由於兩地的教育者對於「對譯」在日語教育上的方針以及所採取的策略不同,導致在教科書的編輯上有很大的差異性。在本論文探討,因教育者對於「對譯」的思維不同會如何影響教科書編輯爲目的。 The first half portion of the thesis compares the Japanese teaching method in the area of Okinawa & Taiwan under the beginning stage of the Meiji government. The later half portion of the thesis compare and analysis the conversational textbook named “Okinawa Taiwa” and another textbook named “Taiwan Tekiyou Kaiwa Nyumon Zen”in the area of Okinawa and Taiwan under the beginning stage of the Meiji government. As the analysis result indicated, since people spokes totally different language in Okinawa and Taiwan as well as there is language difference between these two areas,the teaching of Japanese was using the“translating method”.However, since the educators in these two area has different perspective and plan regards to the “translating method”. As a result, there were a significant difference for the arrangement of the textbook in these two areas. The purpose of this thesis to study how the arrangement of the textbook were varied and affected by the different understanding regards to the definition of “translating method” in these two areas. |