中文摘要 |
本研究以描寫真實人物日裔美國人伊丹明的故事―山崎豐子的《兩個祖國》為考察研究的對象。透過心理學家艾瑞克森「青年期的危機」的理論來分析歸美二世伊丹明在第二次世界大戰中,面對「兩個祖國」二律背反的意識形態的衝擊下其心境的轉折與自我認同的歷程;透過本研究的考察可以了解在接受了鹿兒島加治木地區獨特的「鄉中教育」的教化薰陶下,文本中的登場人物在戰時中雖對移民國美國展現其忠誠心,但內心卻時時意識到另一個祖國日本的矛盾情結。這樣的腳色塑造也是當《兩個祖國》被NHK翻拍成電視劇時不為美國的日裔移民社會所接受的主要原因。 在艾瑞克森的人格發展理論中可以發現「世代繼承」「歷史」「自己超越」三位一體的元素是人格發展的主軸,而這三個元素在青年期過渡到成年期的期間,是左右了人格的發展與自我認同的重要關鍵。《兩個祖國》中的主人公在歷經了鹿兒島特殊的「鄉中教育」的洗禮(=「世代繼承」);不見容於日本社會與承受美國移民社會的排日情結等歷史因素影響(=「歷史」);歷經了報社記者、語言訓練官、日裔語學兵、東京裁判的口譯訂正員(=「自己超越」)等三個人格發展的試煉過程,產生了自我認同的混淆甚至產生了精神官能症的現象最後步上自戕一途。在本研究中亦採用了有關描寫伊丹明生涯的相關著作,來探討小說文本的主人公與真實人物伊丹明的異同之處。 透過本研究可以了解「歸美」日裔二代美國人所呈現的日本人移民美國歷史的另一面相。 This study discusses Yamasaki Toyoko’s novel Two Homelands, which revolves around the life of Itami Akira, a real-life person who was a Japanese American and a Kibei Nisei. The quarter-life crisis theory, which was proposed by the psychologist Erik H. Erikson, was used to analyze Itami’s mental transition and the process of his developing self-identification under the antinomy of “two homelands” during WWII. Through this research we can see that under the influence of the special education (gozyuukyouiku) he received in Kajiki, Kagoshima, Itami often felt conflicting emotions deep inside hisheart because he had to exhibit loyalty to the country he immigrated to, i.e. the USA; meanwhile he was constantly reminded of the fact that Japan was another homeland of his. A character with such a background was the main reason that an NHK TV drama series adapted from the novel Two Homelandscould not be accepted by the Japanese American community then. We can see that in Erikson’s psychosocial development theory, a trinity of factors, i.e. generativity, history, and self-transcendence, serve as the axis of a person’s character development. And the three factors are the key points that have an influence on a person’s character development and self-identification during the transition from adolescence to young adulthood. At first, the protagonist in Two Homelandsreceived the special gozyuukyouiku in Kajiki, Kagoshima (generativity). Then he was affected by such historical factors as not being accepted by the Japanese society and being attacked by anti-Japanese sentiment (history). Later, he had to go through three stages of character development at work, including being a newspaper reporter, a Japanese language officer at a Military Intelligence Service (MIS) Language School, a Japanese American soldier for MIS, and a monitor in the Tokyo Trials (self-transcendence). Afterwards, he suffered from an identity crisis and even psychoneurosis, before he eventually killed himself. The author referred to relevant works that talk about Itami’s career to explore the differences and similarities between the protagonist in the novel and the real-life person. This study can also help us look from another perspective at the history of Japanese migrating to the USA that was revealed by Kibei Nisei. |