英文摘要 |
在分析城山三郎《坦率的戰士們》一書中,丈夫―松澤秋雄與其妻―千枝的對話時,發現秋雄在對於育兒擁有絕對自信的千枝面前始終採取服從的姿態。英一郎從Z中學及高中,到進入東京大學法學院,雖是千枝野心的進程,但秋雄也不禁對於千枝強勢的教育態度抱持著疑問。但是,一旦夫婦之間發生衝突,也會使英一郎的情緒不穩定,因此使得秋雄經常違背本意,採取緘默,並固定成夫婦間的相處模式。此書分為英一郎至小學一年級的前半部與小學五年級之後的後半部;本文以作品後半部,亦即從英一郎認真準備Z中學的入學考開始至幻滅為止,論述秋雄以何種態度守護其子。 Analysis on the conversations between characters, Akio Matsuzawa, the husband, and Chie, the wife, appear in a novel entitled“Obedient Warriors”of Saburo Shiroyama, sheds light on Akio’s attitude as he continues to submit himself to Chie who has full confidence in her child rearing. Chie’s intention is to enroll their son, Eiichiro, in the School of Law of the University of Tokyo through Z junior-high and high school. Although her ambition is also held by Akio, he cannot but question his wife’s aggressive way of child rearing. However, their head-on confrontation could bring emotional instability to Eiichiro and this leads Akio to always keep silent in front of his wife despite his inclination. This pattern of reaction is firmly fixed between this couple. This novel consists of two parts: the first part is until Eiichiro entered the first grade, and the second part relates the time after Eiichiro began the fifth grade. Focusing on the second part of the novel, this paper discusses and reasons how Akio has gotten involved with and observed Eiichiro’s circumstances. This was from the point where Eiichiro kicked into gear toward the admissions examination for Z junior-high school until he later reached catastrophic consequences. |