英文摘要 |
Looking at the current situation about the organization ofcommunity corrections in the United States, there are five majorsystems, including privately run community monitoring systems.Three of them are mandatory for enforcement: the probationofficer system sponsored by local counties, the parole officersystem sponsored by the State Corrections Department, and theofficial system for special criminal treatment of both health andsocial welfare systems. At present, there are 3,108 paroleinstitutions and probation institutions in the United States. If theprivate institutions, health administration, and social welfareadministrative institutions that cooperate with the implementationof community corrections are combined, there will be nearly4,000 community corrections institutions. The structure of thissystem is quite complex and cumbersome, just like other manifestations in the U.S., which embrace multi-racial andmulti-cultural characteristics. While previous studies introducedto the U.S. community corrective measures or organizationalmodels, they usually ignored the differences between Easternand Western cultures, as well as the details of the administrativeand judicial frameworks. Especially the coordinationmechanisms on community corrections about both health and thesocial welfare systems have largely been overlooked. Someinferences can be taken for granted because that is not availablein Taiwan. The U.S. has set up community corrective measuresand staffing-related manpower for judicial mental hospitalization,outpatient community clinic, and social rehabilitation formentally ill criminals. The treatment model of the U.S. is verydifferent from Taiwanese. For this reason, this article isstructured by introducing the organization system of communitycorrections in the United States, with a description of thefunctions and operations of the relevant personnel, to provide areference to the knowledgeable. |