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The Phonological and Romanization Systems of Nanking Guanhua in Zhengyin Xin Zuan
作者 曾若涵
Several Mandarin dictionaries or teaching materials written during the late Qing dynasty share a common trend; that is, the adopted Mandarin phonological systems were primarily based on the Peking or northern Guanhua 官話 dialects instead of its southern counterpart, but in reality, these Peking Guanhua textbooks included pronunciation styles and forms that inherit from traditional or southern Guanhua phonetics. Within this context, a portion of these materials retain a "pure" form of southern Guanhua, especially Nanking Guanhua, awaiting us to research. The present paper focuses on Zhengyin xin zuan正音新纂, a text on Nanking Guanhua written by Ma Minghe馬鳴鶴 (?-?) in 1902 which refers to other Mandarin textbooks authored or edited by Western missionaries, such as Karl Ernst Georg Hemeling's (1878-1925) Die Nanking Kuanhua (1902/1907) as well as The Standard System of Mandarin Romanization: Introduction, Sound Table, and Syllabary (1904) published by the Education Association of China. These three works can be used as a reference for one another as all were published just a few years apart by missionaries and have a practical purpose pertaining to popular education. Moreover, being based on the endeavors of missionary work, they differ from traditional Chinese phonetic books in that they attach importance to the presentation of phonetics. Specifically, this paper attempts to discuss two aspects: (1) reexamine the full syllable chart of Zhengyin xin zuan and rebuild its phonological system of Nanking Guanhua; and (2) evaluate the pros and cons of Ma Minghe's teaching strategies underlying the work's Nanking Guanhua syllable chart.
起訖頁 251-291
關鍵詞 南京官話;正音新纂;切音/拼音;音節表;傳教士Nanking Guanhua;Nanjing Mandarin;Zhengyin xin zuan正音新纂;Chinese romanization systems;syllable charts;missionaries
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 202209 (40:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 清華簡〈厚父〉疑難字詞考釋與全篇內容解讀
該期刊-下一篇 日本江户前期《韻鏡》的特殊改編-以《音韻指掌圖》作為考察




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