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A Study on the“Zi jian”to Identify and Correct the“Zeng xiu hu zhu li bu yun lue”
作者 邱永祺
Zi Jian' has five volumes, the author is Li Wen-Zhong in Yuan Dynasty, this book distinguishes fonts according to 'Shuo wen jie zi', then according to the four tones and 206 final parts, and eradicate vulgarity, to accuse vulgarity of errors, and refuted many characters books and rhyme books. Among them, the fifty-three cases in ' Zeng xiu hu zhu li bu yun lue ' are the most. This article takes these fifty-three cases as the category, traces back to the original book, compares the character books and the rhyme books, discuss whether what Li Wen-Zhong did is right, compare many books, find out the standard of his analysis, let the value of his book be highlighted.
起訖頁 105-141
關鍵詞 字鑑李文仲增修互註禮部韻略增韻說文Zi jian, Li Wen-Zhong, Zeng viu hu zhu li bu yun lue, Zeng Yun, Shuo wen
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 202206 (34期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 由《夷堅志》續書二種探討金元之際「孕產」母題反映之文化意蘊




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