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The Cultural Implication Reflected by the Motif of“Maternity”during Jin and Yuan Dynasties: A Discussion from two Sequels of“Yi Jian Zhi”
作者 李昭鴻
During the periods of Jin and Yuan Dynasties, the instable political situation and the chaotic social order made people live in constant fear for their doom and keenly probe into life issues that included the vigorous development of narration on maternity. Published in this period, the two weird novels of Yuan Haowen’s “Xu Yi Jian Zhì” and Wu Yuanfu’s “Huhai Xinwen Yi Jian Xu Zhì” recorded a great amount of narration on maternity. Since most of them drew materials from the previous dynasties, they presented the social recognition of issues about maternity and karma from Song dynasty to late Jin and early Yuan. The content not only responded to the fusion of thought of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism at that time, but also occupied certain significant and influential position from historical aspect. According to the research, the maternity narration in these two books took reincarnation as the hinge. Through the consecutive phenomenon of different lives and the circulation of individual consciousness on diverse bodies, they declared that life was an eternal existence and all the good and evil deeds would receive their retribution for the generations. To strengthen the moral arguments on urging people to do kind acts and exterminate the evil, they used the abnormal phenomenon of personal circumstance to specify that changes in external appearance were the results of the evil deeds in past life, parents’ conducts or instant karma. If one was suffered from the mental distress caused by their descendants, it could be the warnings of character defect. These satisfied the senses of insecurity and expectation toward the fortune of next life for people at that time. Also, all the injustice and insecure emotion during the turbulent times were greatly relieved.
起訖頁 83-104
關鍵詞 《續夷堅志》《湖海新聞夷堅續志》志怪小說道德化金元小說Xu Yi Jian Zhì, Huhai Xinwen Yi Jian Xu zhì, Weird novel, Morality, Jin Yuan novel
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 202206 (34期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 楊青矗勞工文學跨世紀的影像化改編與作品出版
該期刊-下一篇 《字鑑》辨正《增修互註禮部韻略》之探析




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