中文摘要 |
為維護民眾食用安全,衛生單位持續監測市售禽畜水產品動物用藥殘留情形,109年度針對高風險品項及一般品項兩部分進行抽驗。高風險品項係依據歷年市售禽畜水產品中動物用藥殘留監測結果不合格率超過5.0%或市場流通量大等因素規劃抽驗,共計抽驗24種品項、計553件,檢測結果有11件檢出動物用藥殘留不符規定,總合格率為98.0%。另一般品項之市售禽畜水產品,共計抽驗4,135件,其中10件檢出動物用藥殘留不符規定,總合格率為99.8%,相較於105-108年監測結果,一般品項之總合格率有逐年上升之趨勢。綜上,109年食品中動物用藥殘留監測包括高風險品項及一般品項,總計完成4,688件(禽產品1,386件、畜產品2,360件、水產品942件),其中4,667件檢驗結果符合規定,21件與規定不符,總合格率達99.6%。所有不合格產品均已立即通知農政單位及轄管地方政府衛生局,要求業者下架、回收、停止販售及溯源追查違規產品來源,並依法處辦。 |
英文摘要 |
To ensure food safety, the health authorities continuously monitor the veterinary drug residues in poultry, livestock and aquatic products. In 2020, both high-risk items and general items were included in the sampling plan for veterinary drug residues. The high-risk items were defined by the items with higher past non-compliance rate over 5.0% from the TFDA annual monitoring plan, and the items with a large sales volume in the market over the past few years. For the high-risk items, there were 24 categories consisted of 553 samples analyzed in 2020, and eleven of which were violative. The overall compliance rate of the high-risk items was 98.0%. For the general items, a total of 4,135 samples were analyzed and ten samples contained veterinary drug residues above the MRL. The overall compliance rate of the general items was 99.8%. Comparing to the results from 2016 to 2019, the overall compliance rates of the general items were gradually increased in 2020. In conclusion, a total of 4,688 samples including 1,386 poultry products, 2,360 livestock products and 942 aquatic products were analyzed, and twenty-one of which did not meet the regulaiton. The total compliance rate was 99.6%. The reports of all non-compliant samples had provided to the local health authorities for references. The unqualified products were subsequently removed from the market and penalties were imposed on the suppliers. |