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A Research of Medical Aid in Dying-An Example of New Mexio State, USA
作者 張婷 (Ting Chang)
The theme of this article is to discuss legal system and casesrelated to medical aid in dying in New Mexio State, USA and compareswith Taiwan. The “End-of-Life Options Act” is implemented on 18thJune, 2021 in New Mexio State, USA. This article discusses it throughpatient activation, medical review, and other mechanisms perspectives.In general, compared with other jurisdictions that have implementedmedical aid in dying, medication prescription subjects are expanded, theprocess designd for choosing medical aid in dying is simplified andshortened, and diversified nurses' roles are empowered in New MexioState, USA. In Taiwan, patient autonomy awareness is booming and thescope of consensus is still communicating. The physician-patientrelationship seeks to maximize cognitive consistency through exploringinteractive models. And, medical fields are accumulating experiences toimplement the goal of patient good death. Focusing on New MexioState, USA and Taiwan, although positive or negative patient death autonomy way choice, empowerment cognition of nurses, and medicalinsurance’s system design and thinking standard are different. There aresimilarities in observing the importance degree of patient autonomy,cultivation determination of death literacy, and physician-patient codeterminationcommunication methods. Through comparative legalresearch and case study, it is hoped to become beneficial to deepcultivation and development of patient autonomy in Taiwan.
起訖頁 63-94
關鍵詞 病人自主醫療協助死亡「生命末期選擇法」死亡識能賦能Patient AutonomyMedical Aid in Dying“End-of-Life Options Act”Death LiteracyEmpowerment
刊名 醫藥、科技與法律  
期數 202204 (27:1期)
出版單位 國立清華大學科技法律研究所;臺灣醫事法律學會;臺北醫學大學醫療暨生物科技法律研究所
該期刊-上一篇 恩慈療法在我國與國際之法制比較
該期刊-下一篇 傳染HIV 罪的公衛倫理與共同責任




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