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Rethinking TVE Partnership between Taiwanese and Indian Civil Societies: Skills for Sustainable Development
作者 鄭以萱
Technical and vocational education (TVE) is in close relation with human economic activities, as it plays a dual role of producers and consumers in economic activities. As sustainable development and global civil society partnership are urgently called by the international community, this research aims to explore how TVE partnership between Taiwanese and Indian civil society organizations (CSOs) can effectively equip India’s vulnerable youth with skills for sustainable development. Accordingly, three research questions are inquired. The first is to discuss the conceptualization and theoretical framework of TVE that is oriented toward sustainable development. The next is to analyze the status quo and challenges of TVE partnership between Taiwan and India. The third is to suggest TVE partnership to chart an effective strategy of providing vulnerable Indian youth with skills for sustainable development. By means of documentary analysis and semi-structural interview, empirical data are collected and further theorized. There are four key research findings: firstly, the partnership enables international engagement with local issues to work together for sustainable vision of human development. Secondly, the partnership develops skills for sustainable development to empower youth to imagine and realize their future. Thirdly, the partnership establishes a holistic educational support system, with an emphasis on role models. Finally, the partnership evaluates its impact for reinforcing value communication and mutual accountability.
起訖頁 57-81
關鍵詞 公民社會組織永續發展技能印度夥伴關係技職教育civil society organizationskills for sustainable developmentIndiapartnershiptechnical and vocational education
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202203 (3:2期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 高等技職教育政策精進研究──以臺灣教改後之重大政策為例
該期刊-下一篇 普通教育與技職教育的連結:中小學科技領域課程在工業科技職教育的意涵與實踐




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