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A Study on Color Preference for Posters of Different Types of Films in Taiwan—Taking 2015 to 2020 as an Example
作者 莊庭瑄陳品吟張栩陵
一部好的電影需要好的畫面去呈現,而一張引人注意的電影海報,色彩是不可或缺的設計之一。設計師們經常需要耗費時間去溝通修改,如何有效率的選中顏色,在現今的電影市場更是需要被關注的議題。本研究Yahoo 奇摩電影中上架之電影資訊內容進行類型區分,以2015 至2020 年的電影海報作為研究樣本,過濾掉同時具有兩種類型之電影海報,喜劇類型電影海報選取30 張;愛情類型電影海報選取31 張;恐怖驚悚類型電影海報選取26 張,共計87 張電影海報,分析六項色彩空間數值分別為:紅(R)綠(G)藍(B)及色相(H)、飽和度(S)、明度(V)處理各類型海報的平均值,藉此來探討喜劇、愛情、恐怖驚悚,這三類電影類型的海報進行色彩偏好,以了解不同內容形式的海報所偏好的用色。本研究藉由內容分析法整理相關文獻資料和統整三種不同類型電影海報的主要顏色,以K-means 聚類分群法分析RGB 及HSV 來進行色彩數值量化。根據分析內容結果,本研究整理臺灣近五年的喜劇、愛情、恐怖驚悚等三類的電影海報RGB 和HSV 的色彩偏好。本研究提供設計師了解近五年的海報色彩趨勢,以及提供海報視覺上的配色建議。
A good movie needs a good picture to present,and an eye-catching movie poster, color is one of theindispensable designs. Designers often need to spendtime communicating and modifying. How to efficientlyselect colors is an issue that needs to be paid moreattention in today's film market. In this study, the typesof movie information content on Yahoo Qimo Moviesare classified, and the movie posters from 2015 to 2020are used as the research sample to filter out movieposters with two types at the same time, and select 30comedy movie posters; love movie posters 31 wereselected; 26 horror horror movie posters were selected,totaling 87 movie posters, and the six color space valueswere analyzed: red (R) green (G) blue (B) and hue (H),saturation (S) ) and lightness (V) to deal with the averagevalue of various types of posters, so as to discuss comedy,romance, horror and thriller. The posters of these threetypes of movie types are color preferences to understandthe preferred colors of posters with different contentforms. In this study, the content analysis method was usedto organize the relevant literature and the main colors ofthree different types of movie posters, and the K-meansclustering method was used to analyze RGB and HSV toquantify the color values. According to the results of theanalysis content, this study sorts out the color preferencesof RGB and HSV for movie posters of comedy, romance,horror and thriller in Taiwan in the past five years. Thisresearch provides designers with an understanding of theposter color trends in the past five years, and providesvisual color matching suggestions for posters.
起訖頁 109-122
關鍵詞 色彩偏好K-means聚類分群法電影海報Color preferenceK-means ClusteringMovie Posters
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202205 (2022期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 數位印刷產業經營自有品牌之研究
該期刊-下一篇 AI風格轉換圖像解析度優化研究之初探




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