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中華印刷科技年報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study of Glass Transparency Print Color Quality
作者 吳佳姍戴孟宗
隨著印刷技術不斷的提升,Smithers Pira 在《2025 噴墨印刷市場的未來》中提到預測噴墨未來的市場總量有11.4% 的成長率,而印刷是一種複製產業,色彩複製的還原性會因為外在環境影響到色彩表現,此外噴墨技術的廣泛應用對於不同媒材,印刷品質、速度及多元使用等等也成為色彩複製及準確性的一大挑戰。本研究主旨在彩色UV 印刷後玻璃貼的色彩品質表現之研究,而玻璃貼本身材質透明可被光透射,需考量透射後所產生的色彩差異進行彩色校正,而玻璃貼材質較光滑所以需考量色域的差異性,此研究採準實驗法,針對彩色UV 印刷次數對視覺色彩表現、色域空間、色彩正確性與色彩品質檢驗的影響,最終會透過人眼比較反射稿下與透射下的色彩表現差異,結果發現彩色UV 印刷次數會影響Pantone 色票中所複製色塊的結果,PANTONEFormula Guide 4.0 Coated 作為評估工具時,Pantone 色票ΔE00≤2.5 在D50 與D65 時單層彩色UV 印刷時結果會一樣;Pantone 色票中D50 與D65 在單層彩色UV 印刷與雙層彩色UV 印刷最差的色彩表現都相同,而色域在雙層彩色UV 印刷上表現較佳,而彩色UV 印刷次數與Pantone 複製色塊在色彩準確性中呈現「高度正相關」;而在ISO15339 Control Wedge 的色塊在CRPC6 的平均色差與色彩品質檢驗中呈現 「負高度相關」的顯著性影響,而色彩品質檢驗都大於CRPC6 的容差範圍內,透過UV 噴墨過程已確認彩色UV 印刷次數會影響色域空間大小,而此研究有益UV 噴墨在商業及各類媒材的應用。
With being improving of graphic technology,Smithers Pira in “The Future of Inkjet Printing to2025” predicted the total of the growth rates had11.4% in the future inkjet marketing. However,graphic technology was a reproduction market, thecolor performance would be influenced from outsideenvironment which made the color reproduction to behard to recover. Moreover, inkjet technique was widelyapplied in different kinds of materials. It was a tall orderfor color reproduction and accuracy to the printingquality, speed, multiple use, etc. This research was aimedto analyze the color performance from specification withglass transparency. Due to the glass transparency was theappearance of transparent which could be transmission bylight. Hence, the glass transparency would consider thecolor difference on color calibrating after transmission,and the compare of gamut. This research used the quasiexperimentmethod. The experiment was based on thevisual color performance, color gamut, color accuracyand color quality to set the four assumptions. In addition,the color performance of visual graphic would becompared of reflection and transmission light in the eyedobservation. According to the statistics showed, the coatedamounts would influence the reproduction patches. ThePantone color swatches showed, the light standard of D50and D65 would get the same value on the first-coating intolerance of E00 ≤ 2.5; the light standard of D50 andD65 got the same value with the worst color performance on the first and second-coating. Besides, the secondcoatingcould get the better gamut. In the color accuracyand color quality, the color coating amounts would beinfluenced the color reproduction and color coverage;color accuracy showed ‘high-positive correlation’withcolor coating amounts and Pantone color reproductionwith patches, also color quality showed ‘high-negativecorrelation’ with average patches of color differencewith Control Wedge ISO 15339 CRPC6; the statisticswas relevant on these two factors. Nevertheless, thecolor quality with color glass sticker was more than thetolerance of E00 on CRPC6 standard. Finally, the colorgamut would be influenced by the color-coated amounton the UV inkjet process, which would be help forcommercial and apply in various materials.
起訖頁 79-94
關鍵詞 UV印刷色彩管理色彩品質色彩表現UV PrintingColor ManagementColor QualityColor Performance
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202205 (2022期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 以多角度影像量測建立印刷品上光色彩模式
該期刊-下一篇 數位印刷產業經營自有品牌之研究




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