英文摘要 |
The color quality of an outdoor advertising lightbox is difficult to handle, due to the outdoor illuminant isunpredictable and the advertising light box itself is both areflective and transmissive types of color device. Moreove,rthe light source of any advertising light box is diverse.Especially, during the night time, the light box generates colorsthrough three layers of media, 4-Color Process, white, and4 color print layers. To control the color quality of light boxbecomes an important issue. The purpose of this research wasto analyze the relationship of various UV inkjet printer ICCprofiles with color accuracy, color controllability, and colorgamut. The PANTONE Formula Guide 4.0 Coated Guidewas adopted as a color evaluation tools to analyze those UVinkjet ICC profiles. The research defined that the numbers ofcolor swatches of the PANTONE Formula Guide 4.0 CoatedGuide by an ICC profile under the condition of ΔE00 ≦ 1is related to the ‘Color Accuracy’, the numbers of colorswatches of the PANTONE Formula Guide 4.0 Coated Guideby an ICC profile under the condition of ΔE00 ≦ 2 is relatedto the ‘Color Controllability’, and the numbers of colorswatches of the PANTONE Formula Guide 4.0 Coated Guideby an ICC profile under the condition of ΔE00 ≦ 3 is relatedto the ‘Color Gamut’. A quasi-experiment was used inthe research, and the independent variables were differentgradient of UV white-ink plus color combination output ICCprofiles, and the dependent variables were the color accuracy,color controllability, and color gamut. The results showed thattwo ICC profiles (ICCT25 and ICC T50) among them, generatedtwo unsatisfied color quality (low control saturation andcontrast). The ICCT__ demonstrated an excellent performancein the aspects of smooth gradient, sufficient color control andsaturation, and neutral gray balance. A lthough, the reflectiveICCR created a smaller color gamut, but achieved the standardof CRPC6, ISO 15339. Meanwhile, from the ICCT75 to ICCT200demonstrated a significant negative correlation to the coloraccuracy, color controllability, and color gamut. Furthermore,the ICCT75 reached the peak of the numbers of PANTONEFormula Guide 4.0 Coated Guide swatches, which meansthe ICCT75 was the most appropriated output ICC profilescombined with the reflective ICCR and demonstrated a finecolor quality, which was color accuracy, color controllability,and color gamut. |