英文摘要 |
The purpose of this study is to answer the followingquestions: (1) How accurate is the color measurementof mobile phone cameras by standard color spaceconversion? (2) Can the accuracy of color measurementbe improved by using a reference color chart? (3) Usingdifferent regression modes to correct color, can colormeasurement accuracy be improved? (4) How muchinfluence do different cameras, light sources, sampletypes, and placement methods have on the accuracyof color measurement? The experimental results showthat the error of direct color space conversion is quitelarge, with an average of more than 10 Δ E00. Using thecolor chart as a reference to assist color measurementcan reduce the color difference to a half. The bestcolor correction method is 'color difference-weightedhigh-order linear regression'. Due to the translucentcharacteristics of plastic color samples, it is necessary toperform a compensation for 'light leakage' in the XYZcolor space to reduce the color differences. In terms ofthe effects of the camera, light source, sample type, andplacement method, the results show that the performanceof the cameras varies. Under the four tested light sources,D65 and CWF perform better, while TL84 easilyinvokes the problem of metamerism and performs theworst. Among the three type of samples, colors of inkjetprinting on matte paper are most predictable and stable,whereas colors of plastic samples are most unpredictable.For placing the plastic samples, laying flat is better thansticking to the back in the viewing booth. |