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The Research on Effects of Real Estate Registration by "Verdinglichung obligatorischer Rechte"
作者 李宏志
系所名稱:土地管理學系碩士在職專班 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:97年 指導教授:張梅英 民法認物權係絕對權,有要求一般不特定人不為一定行為之權利;債權則係相對權,僅得要求特定人為一定行為。物權既具絕對性而攸關社會公益,其得喪變更自須有一定之公示方法,以維護交易之安全。此蓋因物權因其對世效力,往往會追及到交易第三人,若聽任當事人間創造一種物權,而一般社會大眾並不了解、或接受這種物權型態,但卻須受其對世效力之影響,即殊非妥適。若進一步探討物權與債權之區別,可知物權之對世效力實繫乎其所採行之公示方法——登記(不動產)與交付(動產)。藉此以觀,對世效力固係物權與債權之重要區別,然對世效力之有無,端賴其權利是否公示。簡言之,物權之對世效力,係透過登記與交付之公示方法取得,故有無公示,顯係權利是否具對世效力之重要關鍵。茲有疑問者,租賃契約與分管契約皆係債權,僅得請求特定人為特定之行為,法律復無租賃或分管契約有關之登記規定,渠等何以具有對世效力而得對抗契約以外之第三人?又預告登記所保全者係債權請求權,何以未塗銷前,登記名義人就其土地所為之處分,對於所登記之請求權有妨礙者無效?至土地權利信託及建物承攬人抵押權,復何以具對抗第三人之效力?職是,本文從「債權物權化」出發,探究公示方法與民法債權物權二分、物權法定原則等之關係,用明「土地登記之效力」及其對交易安全之保障。
In rem, it is absolute and relate to social public interest, any obtain, loss, or alteration has to have specific notification purpose to protect safety of transaction. As in rem has absolute power over anyone, often it would referent to a third party. If the litigant creates a specific in rem, yet social public do not understand or accept, it is inappropriate for social public to bare effects of influence of specific in rem. By exploring further difference between in rem and in personam, it is apparent that the absolute power of in rem is associated with its applied notification method—register (immovable property) and delivery (movable property). In other words, the effect of absolute power of in rem is acquired through notification of register and delivery. Thus, notification is the key factor of commencing absolute power. The legislation has no regulations on registration with associated in personam contracts. Without the effect of absolute power, how does the in personam contract have the power beyond the contract, i.e. third party? Furthermore, announcement of registration has in personam requisition authority. However, before cancellation, the registered owner has already had the power over property. Therefore, how does any interference towards registration requisition has legal validity? If the property right is registered under trust and building has endorsement in mortgage, how does it have the power to confront the effects of third party? The purpose of this research begins by the idea of “Verdinglichung obligatorischer Rechte”, and explores the notification method and in rem and in personam of civil law. Meanwhile, provide recommendation of effects of property registration and safety insurance of transaction.
起訖頁 1-136
關鍵詞 債權物權化租賃契約分管契約預告登記對世效力Verdinglichung obligatorischer Rechterental contractduty contractannounce of notificationabsolute pwoer
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 逢甲大學 
該期刊-上一篇 汽車燃料使用費課徵法律性質之研究




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