英文摘要 |
Corporate crime occurs frequently in economic, environmental, and food safetyissues, which can hurt the victims, the financial and social environment and the LAWseriously. In order to prevent the damage it may cause and the corporate confiscation,it is critical to plan and implement compliance program, which is the key purpose ofthis study. To provide an effective solution of prevention of corporate confiscation, thispaper focuses on three major propositions: corporate criminal responsibility, legal partyand process of corporate confiscation, and compliance solution.All things considered, corporate is responsible for violation of criminal lawperformed by its decision makers and employees. The only exception is when theemployee (the party) is negligent and the corporate/decision maker(s) well performs itsduty of care.Since the criminal liability of corporate is affirmed, it should be treated as theparty qualified instead of third party under the process of confiscation, especially in thecase of intentional criminal behavior. For better crime prevention, the combination ofthe punishment and penalty designed under the Civil Law, the Criminal Law and theAdministrative Penalty Law can be considered.Compliance Program is the most effective solution to detect the red flag(s) ofcorporate crime and to prevent from corporate confiscation. The effectiveness ofcompliance program relies on the three pillars: corporate governance, compliancemechanism and internal control as well as the three lines of defense: business unit,compliance and audit. In addition, an ad-hoc whistle blower mechanism is required,while the market rule and external audit and authorities can help significantly. Whileeffectiveness and efficiency are essential for compliance program, application ofregulation technology can be a facilitator for program implementation.With the increasing number and complexity of corporate crime, this studycategorizes them into four types, namely, revenue enhancement, cost deduction, taxevasion, and false financial reporting. No matter what type it is, the illegal benefitshould be confiscated, so long as it is economically measurable.Since there are limited real cases of corporate confiscation, this study simulatesthe confiscation process and procedure with actual corporate crime cases for ademonstration of how compliance program can play a preventive role. This is only astart, a small step. In the hope that this can be a small stone to trigger the ripples ofresearch about criminal compliance and to optimize the effect on the prevention ofcorporate confiscation with the compliance centric solution. |