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The Research of Monetary Obligations under Public Law as a Title of Execution
作者 姚其聖
系所名稱:法律學研究所 學位別:博士 畢業學年:103年 指導教授:黃啟禎 行政執行是國家直接以強制力實現法律效果的一種法律制度;是所有國家行政法制中,侵害人民權利強度最深的法律,在立法高密度法律保留原則;及司法高密度審查之要求下,依循李惠宗教授法學方法論之四個層次──法本質論、立法論、法解釋論及法適用論之理路意脈,層層推進,終成全文。本文共分十三章,第一章與第二章是本文之基礎理論。從法的本質論出發,針對公法上金錢給付義務如何進行審查,建立一個共通的法則,以為爾後各章敷演論述之根基;並著墨於立法論的探討,旨在檢討行政執行法律制度,是否符合法的本質或符合憲法所揭示的價值秩序。第三章至第五章是本文之總論。直接就行政執行法第11 條所明定,三種法定之公法上金錢給付義務執行名義,從事法解釋論的討論,除對法律文義之理解外;更多的是出於法律文義之外的義理探索,實際上反映的是,立法者對憲法保障人權意旨的理解、闡釋和引申、發揮,企圖將抽象的法律具體化,使之成為可操作運用之工具。第六章至第十二章是前述各章理論的具體運用,針對當前執行實務所發生之爭議問題,進行法律適用論的探尋,旨在追求個案法律涵攝之正確性,應證抽象法律適用到具體個案之妥當性。第十三章研究結論。歸納整理前述各章具原創性之見解,將複雜的推論進程,以執簡馴繁之法,明確其大意,指涉其全貌。
Administrative execution is one of the legal institutions, which the Country enforces legal effect directly and is the most intensive law in infringement of the people’s right in all national administrative institutions. Under the request of high density of principle of legal reservation in legislation and high density of examination in justice, following four layers of the methodology of jurisprudence of Professor Lee Hwai Tzong—the road of theory of Theory of Nature of Laws, Theory of Legislation, Theory of Interpretation of Laws, and Theory of Application of Laws, step by step, finally accomplishing the article.There are thirteen chapters in this article, the Chapter One and Chapter Two are the basic theory of the article. To start off from Theory of Nature of Laws, then establish a common rule for how to proceed examination in connection with the monetary obligation under public laws, as the basement of the deduction and exposition of the other articles, and research Theory of Legislation in order to review whether the legal institution of Administrative execution is consistent with the nature of laws or the valuable order revealed by constitution.The Chapter Three to Chapter Five is the general introduction of the article. Directly debating with the Theory of Interpretation of Laws in relation to three kinds of the statutory enforcement title on monetary obligation under public laws stipulated in Article 11 of the Administrative Execution Act, except understanding the meaning of laws, more particularly exploring the reason out of the meaning of laws, in fact, reflecting the understanding, interpretation, extension and development of the legislators with the intention of the constitution in protecting human rights, intending to embody in abstract laws, enabling to become a tool which can be operated and manipulated.The Chapter Six to Chapter Twelfth is the specific application of the theory in the foregoing chapters, against the dispute occurred in present execution practice, to proceed the exploration of the Theory of Application of Laws, in order to seek the accuracy of the conclusion of laws in case, to prove the propriety in abstract laws applying to specific case.The Chapter Thirteen is the conclusion of the research. To induce and arrange the creative opinions of the foregoing chapters, let complex inference procedure, by way of simplification, to make its précis clear and definite and indicate the whole vision.
起訖頁 1-264
關鍵詞 公法上金錢給付義務執行名義行政執行審查標準陳述的一致性執行名義審查之必要性monetary obligation under public lawsenforcement titleadministrative executionexamination standardconsistency of representationnecessity of examining a title of execution
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 東海大學 
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