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A feminist standpoint analysis on Taiwan’s policy construction of the “Babybust Problem”.
作者 黃淑怡
系所名稱:性別研究所 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:96年 指導教授:彭渰雯 臺灣的新生兒數目自2001 年首度跌破30 萬以來不斷逐年下滑,至2005 年新生兒數目減少為20 萬5 千人。粗出生率從2004 年的千分之9.6,2005 年降到千分之9.06,估算每位生育齡婦女一生所生之嬰兒數從1.8 人降為1.2 人,2007年之生育率更降至全球最低僅1.1 人。經建會預估2016 年台灣將先出現人口零成長的現象,2050 年人口將減少至2000 萬人,同時人口老年化的速度也將超過OECD 等先進國家。然而政府在憂慮人口減少並提出相關因應政策時,對於生育、種族、國境管制等議題,卻處處互相矛盾。本論文重點在討論台灣地區少子女化問題建構與論述,與女性主義對於生殖及政府控制人口機制的看法,並回顧「少子女化」被建構為「社會問題」的過程。透過女性主義立場論與女性主義公共政策分析的取徑,本論文揭露政策制定者在企圖解決少子女化的「問題」時,如何接合與再製了社會原本的性別想像與各種權力關係,而政策接受者與婦女團體又如何發展出抵抗的論述,介入政策制定的過程。經過對於官方少子女化問題建構的論述分析,本論文指出,官方強調少子女化的現象會不利經濟成長,使臺灣人口素質下降,造成未來人口結構失衡等。但在建構前述問題的同時,刻意以愛國主義為號召,將生育責任個人化;對於不同種族所生之子女,不時出現階級與種族歧視的論述;在政策上仍以國境管制為由,阻礙多元家庭的發展;在日益嚴重的男女性別比上,官方的因應對策並未重視少「女」化現象;在整體生育思維仍侷限於強制異性戀模式,父系血緣傳承仍深植人心;最後,未能將人口減少視為必然的挑戰而及早發展整體因應對策。而本土女性主義者藉由回應前述官方的問題建構,將女性主義的論述帶入公共領域,主張國家的生育政策走向北歐福利國的照顧體系,並提倡將生育自由從強制異性戀中解放,提升為應由憲法保障的生育自由權。因此,在2008 年2 月行政院通過「人口政策白皮書」,可以明顯看見女性主義論述的影響,有許多平權進步的理念出現,未來的執行成果則仍有待檢驗。不過,本土女性主義者也並未挑戰將少子女現象「問題化」的建構本身,對此,本論文也從生態女性主義的立場,強調人口政策應納入整體生態平衡與環境承載的思考。
The number of new born baby has been decreasing in Taiwan in the past decade. In 2007, the fertility rate was only 1.1, which was among the lowest rate in the world. As the government tries to response the baby bust issue, the population policy is full of contradiction regarding reproduction, race and boundary control issues. This study is concerned about how the baby bust phenomenon has been problematized by the government. It not only summarizes how feminists and the government see the population control mechanism but also reviewes the process of constructing baby bust phenomenal into a social “problem”. Through feminist standpoint theory and feminist public policy analysis approach, this study exposes how policy makers rebuild and connect the social original gender imagination and gender power relation in order to deal with the baby bust “problem”. Meanwhile, this study also how woman organizations develop oppositional discourses and intervene into the policy making process.After reviewing the government‟s discourses around the „babybust problem‟, this study shows that the authority linked baby bust issue with lowered economic growth, lower population quality, and even to imbalanced population composition. Yet, while the authority constructs the disadvantages of baby bust on the one hand, it calls on patriotism on the other hand, using class and racial discrimination discourses to devalue those who are not Taiwanese. Moreover, the authority doesn‟t pay much attention to the decreasing rate of female babies, and the whole reproduction idea is still firmly built on compulsory heterosexuality and patriarchy heritage. Finally, the government does not treat population decrease as a necessary trend and make a holistic ansd timely plan in response.By responding to the baby bust problem, local feminists successfully brought feminist discourses into public sphere, introducing the Northern European care system, advocating for the freedom of birth to be liberated from compulsory heterosexuality, and that the freedom of birth should be protected by the constitution. The feminists‟ influence on the “Population Policy White Book” that was published by the government in February, 2008 was apparent. Nonetheless, this thesis argues that the local feminists still failed to challenge the problematization of the baby bust issue itself. Thus, this study also considers from eco-feminist perspective to emphasize that population policy should also address the balance of the whole ecosystem and the environment capacity.
起訖頁 1-125
關鍵詞 少子女化人口政策女性主義立場論女性主義政策分析low fertilitybaby bustpopulation policyfeminist standpoint theoryfeminist public policy analysis
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 世新大學 
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