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A Study on Liens by Operation of Law-A Legislative Suggestion about Property Law in Taiwan and Mainland China
作者 黃健彰
系所名稱:法律研究所 學位別:博士 畢業學年:97年 指導教授:謝哲勝 法定優先權是法律規定的優先受償權利,以保護特定債權。本論文即是對法定優先權進行系統性研究,文末並提出作者自行擬具的兩岸物權法修正草案。本論文第二章介紹美國法上的lien。Lien是為擔保特定債權,而存在於財產(包括動產與不動產)上的負擔,其優先於所有權人的普通債權。一般而言,lien是個泛稱,包括約定與法定的優先權。Lien可能基於習慣法、衡平法的法則或成文法的規定而生。Lien亦可分為「占有性優先權」與「非占有性優先權」、「現時優先權」與「延期優先權」、「自願優先權」與「非自願優先權」等。第三章介紹日本法上的先取特權。日本在繼受法國民法的基礎上,於民法與特別法中詳盡規定了先取特權。依據標的物及其效力範圍的不同,日本民法將先取特權分為一般先取特權、特定動產先取特權與特定不動產先取特權等三種形式。第四章是法定優先權的基礎理論。本章先討論法定優先權的概念、基本原則與功能,再探討其主體、客體與擔保債權。就公示制度而言,占有與登記均非法定優先權的成立要件。法定優先權是從權利,讓與債權時,法定優先權隨同移轉。此外,法定優先權尚有不可分性與物上代位性。實務上,當事人常預先排除某些類型的法定優先權,吾人須考慮當事人的自由意志,以及該契約是否為附合契約條款、是否顯失公平等。為保護交易安全,法定優先權亦有各種限制。最後,本章探討了法定優先權的消滅。兩岸法定優先權的規定並不周延,故本文第五章整理、分類兩岸已有的法定優先權規定,分析其法理基礎,並建議應增加的法定優先權類型,例如「出賣人優先權」、「買受人優先權」、「出資人優先權」、「對於區分所有權的優先權」與「地上權人或土地出租人的優先權」等。第六章探討優先權的次序。本章先提出處理相關問題的基本原則,再探討法定優先權相互間的次序,以及法定優先權與抵押權、質權、留置權間的次序。第七章提出增訂法定優先權的草案暨理由。基於效率與公平的觀點,本文以為,兩岸於民法或物權法中均可考慮增訂法定優先權的一般規定。本章一併研究增訂法定優先權時應注意的相關問題,例如物權法定原則、法律不溯及既往原則與其他配套措施,以及抵押權的規定,得否準用於法定優先權。第八章總結全文,提出本文結論。
Liens by operation of law are instruments aimed at providing special protection for specific rights. This dissertation studies liens by operation of law systematically, and proposes an amendment to Civil Code or Property Code in Taiwan and Mainland China.The second chapter of the dissertation narrates liens in American law. Lien means a charge upon property, either real or personal, for the payment or discharge of a particular debt or duty in priority to the general debts or duties of the owner. Generally speaking, the word “lien” is a generic term and includes liens acquired by contract or by operation of law. Liens may arise either under the rules of common law or of equity or under a statute. Liens can also be divided into “general liens” & “particular liens,” “possessory liens” & “non-possessory liens,” “present liens” & “deferred liens,” or “voluntary liens” & “involuntary liens.”Chapter three introduces statutory liens in Japanese law. Based on the French Civil Code, Japanese Civil Code and specific code stipulate statutory liens in details. According to the difference in subject matter and scope of validity, Japanese Civil Code divides statutory liens into three categories: general lien, specific lien of movables, and specific lien of immovables. Chapter four is the fundamental theory of liens by operation of law. The chapter first discusses the concepts, principles, and functions of liens by operation of law. Then the chapter explores the subjects, objects, and claims secured by liens. As to publicity, the possession and registration are not the conditions of the effectiveness of statutory liens. Liens are accessory rights. When there is a claim being transferred, liens are transferred together. Liens have the characteristics of indivisibility and the substitute effects. If we want to judge the effects of the no-lien contracts, we should consider the lienor’s free will and whether the contracts are standardized or conspicuously unfair contracts. In addition, to ensure the safety of the transactions, there are kinds of limitations to liens. Finally, the chapter explores extinguishment of liens. The provisions concerning statutory liens are incomplete both in Taiwan and Mainland China. Therefore, chapter five classifies the provisions of liens by operation of law, analyses the policy basis, and suggests increasing some types of liens by operation of law, such as “vendors’ liens,” “purchasers’ liens,” “lenders’ liens,” “condominium liens,” and “superficiarys’ liens or liens of the lessors of lands.”Chapter six explores the rank of liens. The chapter first puts forward the principles as the basis to solve the relevant problems, then explores statutory lien creditors against statutory lien creditors, and discusses statutory lien creditors against mortgagees and secured creditors. Chapter seven proposes an amendment about liens by operation of law to Civil Code or Property Code in Taiwan and Mainland China. In view of efficiency and equity, Taiwan and Mainland China should add general provisions in Civil Code and Property Code. In addition, we should take relevant matters into consideration, such as the numerus clausus and the non-retroactive principles and other auxiliary measures. Besides, some provisions concerning mortgage shall apply mutatis mutandis to statutory lien. Chapter eight is the conclusion.
起訖頁 1-347
關鍵詞 優先權先取特權法定擔保物權法定優先權次序兩岸物權法 lienprivilegelien by operation of lawstatutory lienpriority property law in Taiwan and Mainland China
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 中正大學 
該期刊-上一篇 公立大學學生參與大學自治制度之研究
該期刊-下一篇 公立大學學生參與大學自治制度之研究




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