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The influential factors on new immigrants' perceptions of the police in Taiwan
作者 康家誠
系所名稱:犯罪防治研究所 學位別:碩士 畢業學年:108年 指導教授:賴擁連 近年來新移民大量移入臺灣,成為我國一大族群。過去西方社會已經有些關於移民對警察觀感的研究,然而我國移民如何看待警察仍然未知。為了彌補國內新移民研究議題的缺乏,故而探究新移民對我國警察的觀感。根據過去文獻本研究結合文化涵化、程序正義、雙鏡效應及接觸經驗等理論模型成為研究框架,以檢驗其是否影響新移民對我國警察的看法並在臺灣北部地區以問卷調查法實施,於2019年1月至3月期間內,針對我國新移民四大族群,包含印尼、越南、菲律賓與泰國,以便利抽樣和滾雪球抽樣方式,一共回收644份問卷,並抽取579份完整問卷進行分析,問卷回收率為90%。經多變量分析結果顯示,新移民的國籍和婚姻狀況對警察觀感有顯著影響。相對於菲律賓移民,印尼和泰國移民對我國警察觀感較高;已婚和離婚者也較單身者來得滿意警察。另外,新移民的涵化樣態多屬於臺灣集群(即發現越喜歡、參與越多臺灣文化者,對我國警察觀感則越高。此外,本研究發現程序正義是跨越國籍的普遍性(Universal)因素,且為影響警察觀感的決定性因素。不論新移民的國籍為何、有無與警察接觸經驗,均相當在乎與警察接觸時,是否受到合法和公平對待。再者,儘管新移民帶來對母國警察的印象,惟並非評價我國警察的主要因素。最後,臺灣文化涵化成為連繫程序正義與警察觀感間的重要機制,新移民受到我國警察公平對待,並從中加強對臺灣的文化認同,進而促進對警察的好感。根據本研究之發現,提出以下八點具體建議供政府部門及警政單位參考:(一)鼓勵新移民多多參與在地文化。(二)協助新移民維持自我母國文化。(三)警察執法服務必須貫徹程序正義原則。(四)建立良好警民互動與執法程序正義應同時並進。(五)將文化敏感度課程納入警察教育訓練。(六)制定完善通譯制度,培訓新移民擔任通譯人員。(七)招募雙語警察,培養新移民子女從事警務工作。(八)創造接納多元文化的社會,減少對新移民的偏見與歧視。
In recent years, many new immigrants have moved in, becoming a large subgroup in Taiwan. While a bulk of research has conducted in the western societies to explore the levels of perceptions toward the police among immigrants over the past decades, how immigrants view the Taiwanese police has been largely overlooked. In order to fill this gap, this study aims to explore the effects on the new immigrants’ perceptions toward the police in Taiwan.Based on the extant literature, those possible theoretical models including acculturation, procedural justice, bifocal lenses, and contact experience have been integrated as a research framework to examine if those models and their factors produce significant impact on new immigrants’ perceptions of the police in Taiwan. The research setting covers some cities in the northern part of Taiwan island. Four major immigrant groups coming from Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, and Thailand have been employed as the research population. Using convenient and snow-ball sampling methods, 644 questionnaires have been distributed by the researcher during the period from January to March in 2019. A total of 579 completed questionnaires have been collected in final, suggesting the response rate is 90%.The findings from a series of multivariate analysis show that, first of all, the nationality and marital status had a significant effect on perceptions of the police. Compared to the Philippines, respondents from Indonesia and Thailand rated Taiwanese police more favorably. The married and divorced were more satisfied with police than single. In addition, the cluster analysis has been used to identify four appropriate subgroups and 35.4% of respondents reported that they belong to Taiwanese cluster, which means the more they get involved in Taiwanese cultures, the more positive attitudes toward Taiwan police are reported. Moreover, this study found that procedural justice seems to be a universal factor which is a robust factor affecting perceptions of the police across four immigrant groups. Regardless of the new immigrants’ nationality or the contact experience with the police, those respondents are quite concerning whether they have treated fairly and legitimately by police while encountering. Furthermore, although new immigrants carried the imagination of police from home country, this stereotype was insignificant while evaluating Taiwanese police. Finally, acculturation was a crucial mechanism linking procedural justice to perceptions of the police. Stated differently, if new immigrants feel that they are treated fairly by Taiwan police, they will strengthen the levels of Taiwan cultural identification, which in turn promotes the good feelings to the police.According to the findings, eight concrete policy implications have been highlighted in final: (a) Encouraging new immigrants to participate in Taiwanese cultures. (b) Assisting new immigrants to maintain their cultures of home country. (c) The police officers and agencies must follow the principle of procedural justice. (d) Establishing a good police-citizen interaction should go hand in hand with procedural justice. (e) Incorporating multicultural courses into police education and training classes. (f) Constituting the perfect legal system for an interpreter and training new immigrants as interpreters. (g) Recruiting bilingual police and training new immigrants’ generation to serve police job in Taiwan. (h) Creating a society that multiculturalism is tolerated and reducing prejudice and discrimination against new immigrants.
起訖頁 1-256
關鍵詞 新移民程序正義文化涵化雙鏡效應警察觀感new immigrantsprocedural justiceacculturationbifocal lenses effectperceptions of the police
刊名 博碩論文  
期數 中央警察大學 
該期刊-上一篇 電氣警械管理法制之研究
該期刊-下一篇 我國防制人口販運法制之研究




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