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The Feasibility Study of Outsourcing review for the Building Use Permits in Tainan City
After Tainan City was upgraded to a municipality directly under the Central Government in 2011, the area under its jurisdiction has increased significantly, and the population has reached about 1.9 million. With the development of construction in recent years, the number of building use permit cases is often the highest among the six major cities. However, due to the limited staffing of the current Tainan city government, the number of permits to be reviewed by each staff member exceeds 500 each year. Due to the huge workload, the review period of permits in recent years has been too long and the public has complained. Therefore, how to entrust external professional resources to assist the government in reviewing permits is an issue that must be faced at present. Through the first stage of the questionnaire, this study found that more than 70% of construction-related practitioners agree with the outsourcing review of the building use permits. And from this result, we can obtain the necessary components of the outsourcing review mechanism. Then after the second stage of expert interviews and the third stage of AHP questionnaires, confirming the importance and feasibility of each item, a preliminary plan for the outsourcing review system for the building use permits of the collective housing in Tainan City is proposed.
起訖頁 21-37
關鍵詞 使用執照委外審查建築物使用類組第三方單位臺南市Building use permitsOutsourcing ReviewBuildings Classified useThird SectorTainan
刊名 物業管理學報  
期數 202109 (12:2期)
出版單位 臺灣物業管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 講廳在不同形式的自然與機械換氣之二氧化碳濃度
該期刊-下一篇 連鎖汽車旅館經營管理績效之評估




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