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Legal Study on Data Localization
作者 郭戎晉
"The borderless nature of the Internet has enabled the development of the digital economy and revolutionary technical innovations. The free flow of data is essential to the growth of the digital economy and to unlocking the full potential of data driven industries. As data is seen as a valuable resource and considering the needs of digital sovereignty, the pursuit of economic benefits and the protection of civil liberties, Governments may decide to promote data localization laws. Data localization laws that may require companies to physically store personal data or limit cross-border data flows already exist in various forms and degrees in several developed and developing countries. Though data localization has some benefits, there are even more disadvantages that might affect the industries on a large scale and highly likely to fragment the internet resulting in inefficiencies and greater costs. The strongest criticism of data localization laws is that they use the mask of enhanced cyber security or citizens’ privacy concerns to conceal the real motivation of national protectionism. The recent researches show the prospects for broad and binding international rules on data flow are dim and the need to find an alternative to data localization. This article will first discuss the nature, benefits and models of data localization requirements, then analysis the current situation of main countries’ related laws and regulations. On the basis of above, this article will try to point out the possible solutions solving related issues raised by data localization laws and avoiding the balkanisation of the internet and finally puts forward suggestions toward domestic legislation."
起訖頁 1-70
關鍵詞 資料在地化資料跨境傳輸數位主權雲端運算資料中心通用資料保護規則布魯塞爾效應個人資料保護法Data LocalizationCross-Border Data FlowsDigital SovereigntyCloud ComputingData CenterGeneral Data Protection RegulationBrussels EffectPersonal Data Protection Act (Taiwan)
刊名 作者授權  
期數 202203 (2022:3期)
該期刊-上一篇 從美國雲法案談數位時代域外取證立法與衍生爭議
該期刊-下一篇 食品業法人犯罪處罰制度的檢討




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