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The Social Meaning and Merits of Yin-Di's Book Chat: Focusing on People、Affairs and Book
作者 陳學祈
"Publisher, author and writer Yin-Di presents nostalgia of books and times in his book chat. From personal connection to society trend, the book chat combines different things from the past, which witness those memorable but cannot be called back period. People, Affairs and Books, the thesis discuss from three different points of views about the meanings and values of Yin-Di's book chat. The memorial to people shows friendship between Yin-Di and his friends. Base on foundation of people, the description of affairs combines the trend of era, and shows what Yin-Di had experienced in his different phases of life. The publication of books witness Yin-Di's concern and unfairness for the past many years. The interaction between these three elements builds up the appearance of Yin-Di's book chat. From the point of academic, abundant literary story and publishing record are essential for studying Taiwan's Publisher, history and culture. Therefore, Yin-Di's book chat is very important not only in literary but also in academic field."
起訖頁 167-196
關鍵詞 隱地爾雅出版社書話出版史Yin-DiErya PublisherBook ChatHistory of Publishing
刊名 文史臺灣學報  
期數 201206 (4期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學台灣文化研究所
該期刊-上一篇 男人的海洋——夏曼‧藍波安的海洋書寫




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