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Survey of roadkill at the surrounding areas of Hui-Sun Forest Recreation Area
作者 何珍儀蘇愉婷陳相伶
線性基礎設施(道路、鐵路和管線)所導致的棲地破壞及零碎化威脅了生物多樣性的存續。道路與車流阻礙動物的移動並限制其空間利用,造成動物因車輛撞擊而死亡,也就是所謂的路殺(road kill),其對於野生動物所造成的傷害與影響不容忽視。本研究調查惠蓀森林遊樂區周邊道路的路殺物種與頻度,分析季節差異,並比較步行和騎車調查的路殺偵測率。本研究共調查三個路段,分別為投80鄉道上惠蓀森林遊樂區收費站前後各3 km及附近黃肉溪旁的產業道路。2019年3月至11月共調查27次,每次同時步行和騎車調查並記錄路殺物種與數量。本研究共記錄289筆路殺,其中兩棲綱佔 70.6%,爬蟲綱佔27.7%。在鑑定到種的155筆路殺中,數量最多的前三物種為拉都希氏赤蛙(Hylarana latouchii,65筆)、澤蛙(Fejervarya limnocharis,14筆)及斯文豪氏攀蜥(Japalura swinhonis,13筆)。研究發現兩棲綱在春季路殺較多,可能與其繁殖週期有關。三個樣區中以黃肉溪路殺數量最多,佔路殺總數76.4%。各路段步行調查的偵測率皆高於騎車調查。儘管這三個路段皆無記錄到瀕危物種的路殺,但只要存在路殺就會對物種形成威脅,建議可在投80鄉道及黃肉溪旁產業道路架設警示牌,以提醒用路人減速慢行,並透過惠蓀森林遊樂區與新生村社區內的宣導,以期減緩此路段路殺狀況。
"Habitat destruction and fragmentation caused by linear infrastructures (roads, railways, pipelines) threatened persistence of biodiversity. Roads and vehicles impede animal movements and restrict the space use, and cause animal mortality due to animal-vehicle collisions, i.e. road kill. Road kill is one of the most significant impacts of roads on wildlife. In the study, we investigated species and number of road kills across different seasons at rural roads near Huisun Forest Recreation Area, Taichung, Taiwan. We surveyed road kills by walking and scooters at the same time, and compared the detection probability by the two methods. From March to September in 2019, we conducted 27 surveys at three 3 km-road sections, including the road sections before and after the toll booth of the recreation area, and a rural road near Huangrouxi. We recorded 289 road kills, dominated by amphibians (70.6%), followed by reptiles (27.7%). Among 151 road kills that identified to species, the most common three species were Hylarana latouchii (65 road kills), Fejervarya limnocharis (14 road kills), and Japalura swinhonis (13 road kills). Number of amphibian road kills were higher in spring, which was coincident with the breeding season. Most of road kills (76.4%) occurred at the rural road near Huangrouxi. Overall, detection probability of road kills was higher by walking than riding scooters. Although we did not detect road kill of threatened species, road kills may still pose a threat to wildlife. We suggest to install warning signs along the roads, and communicate with the recreation area and local villages to decrease probability of road kills."
起訖頁 21-30
關鍵詞 兩棲類爬蟲類道路致死道路生態季節性差異amphibiansreptilesroad mortalityroad ecologyseasonal variation
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 202203 (44:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 下坪熱帶植物園內綠色頭孢藻(Cephaleuros virescens)寄主範圍與藻斑發生時期調查
該期刊-下一篇 探討土地利用對溪流水水化學之影響──以新化林場為例




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