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An Analysis on the Implementation of the Self-evaluation of Institutional review in Taiwan
作者 詹盛如池俊吉 (Chun-Chi Chih)許品鵑郭玟杏林佳宜
"It has been a new development of carrying out internal self-evaluation within the university across the countries. By granting more autonomy and empowering governance capacity, the government expects to raise university’s internal self-governance and management and the enhancement of quality. It is against this wider context, Ministry of Education aims to promote the system of self-evaluation since 2012 and the current university institutional evaluation is also underpinned by self-evaluation. However, there is no literature addressing the promotion, implementation and outcome of this system. Based on this rationale, this study choosing four comprehensive universities as case studies attempts to explore the current implementation situation and issues of self-evaluation. The methods employed for data collection include document analysis and focus group interview. Our research findings indicate that universities lack a systematic self-evaluation plan, and their abilities to develop evaluation standards and indicators on their own is relatively inadequate. The self-evaluation organization in university is well designed, and the dedicated unit plays a role in communication. Self-evaluation reviewers’ selection, recruitment and training mechanism still needs to be improved; The implementation procedures are well-established, but data collection and opinions integration need to be strengthened; The follow-up assessment mechanism is good enough and can be implemented in detail; The institutional evaluation result is lacking connection of government policies, the real impact is still in doubt."
起訖頁 59-80
關鍵詞 自我評鑑品質保證校務評鑑資料庫self-evaluationquality assuranceinstitutional evaluationdatabase
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202101 (2:1期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 免學費政策與高等教育公平:美國和日本的經驗與啟示
該期刊-下一篇 師資生跨文化素養的涵育:來自越南的故事




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