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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
University Governance of Sustainable Development and Impact Force: Perspective of Engaging University Social Responsibility |
作者 |
張慶勳 |
中文摘要 |
本研究基於自中古世紀以來大學性質與角色的改變之脈絡背景,結合聯合國於2015年所提出的永續發展目標與英國的「2020大學影響力排名」的分析,並以大學實踐社會責任的觀點切入,旨在探討1.大學永續發展與實踐社會責任之間的關聯性;2.大學永續發展與實踐社會責任的全球視野;3. 大學永續發展與實踐社會責任的在地連結性,並據以4.探討其所延伸的大學治理策略。本研究結論指出:1.大學永續發展與實踐社會責任關係密切且同時並進;2.大學永續發展與實踐社會責任兼具全球視野與在地的連結性;3.大學治理以可行的策略實踐社會責任邁向永續發展目標。最後提出建議供大學治理的參考。 |
英文摘要 |
"Teacher Based on the context of transforming of characteristics and roles of university since Middle Age. This study combined United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and “THE Impact Rankings 2020,” and from the perspective of university social responsibility (USR) and aimed to explore the following research purposes.1.Exploring the relationship between the sustainable development and engaging social responsibility of university; 2.Exploring the global vision of the sustainable development and engaging social responsibility of university; 3.Exploring the local connection of the sustainable development and engaging social responsibility of university;4.Exploring the governance strategies of university according to above analysis. The conclusions included as follows: 1. The relationship of university’s sustainable development and engaging social responsibility was closely related and develop at the same time; 2. University’s sustainable development and engaging social responsibility possessed the characteristics of global vision and local connection; 3. Developing the feasible strategies of university governance to engage social responsibility and march toward SDGs. Finally, this study offered suggestions for the reference of university governance." |
起訖頁 |
17-37 |
關鍵詞 |
高等教育、大學治理、永續發展、大學社會責任、社會影響力、higher education、university governance、sustainable development、university social responsibility、social impact force |
刊名 |
台灣教育研究期刊 |
期數 |
202101 (2:1期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
教育改革中教學政策的轉變與落實:教師教學理解與實踐的視角 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
免學費政策與高等教育公平:美國和日本的經驗與啟示 |