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The Educational Purpose and The Regulation of Undesirable Content in TANet: from The Standpoint of Protection of Protecting the Development of Children’s and Juvenile Personalities
作者 許育典
"21世紀是數位生活的世界,本以網際網路「開放無國界」的自由理念為特徵。然而,台灣學術網路是教育部所架設的學術網路,其主要特點為延伸至各大專院校、研究機構以及各中小學。也就是說,其本身設立目的具「教育」特性,其所傳播的網路資訊,也應合乎這樣的教育目的。對於在學術網路上傳播的明確「違法」資訊(例如:已達到刑法上「公然猥褻」的構成要件該當),已有該當法規範可適用,國家對網路使用者的管制有其合法性基礎,並沒有問題。可能出問題的是,對在學術網路上傳播的「不當」資訊,卻又未達到明確違反現行法律的程度,國家公權力如何介入管制?以及如何界定此不當資訊的範圍?本文即朝這兩個問題意識思考,嘗試從保護兒童與少年人格開展的觀點,找出學術網路上不當資訊的管制方式。With the help of the open and boundless internet, the 21st century is characterized as a digital age. However, TANet, sponsored by Taiwan’s Ministry of Education, is the campus network primarily designed to reach all levels of schools and research institutions. In a sense, since it’s established for education, information carried through it should be restricted to the educational purposes. With regard to the apparently illegal information, such as those that can constitute obscenity in criminal law, the legitimacy of the state control should be out of question. Nevertheless, problems occur where the undesirable contents do not fall into any category of crime. To what exend can the state intervene and regulate? Moreover, what are circumscribe “undesirable contents”? This article starts with these questions and tries to propose the ways to regulate undesirable contents in TANet -- from the standpoint of protecting the development of children’s and juveniles’ personalities."
起訖頁 1-24
關鍵詞 兒童與少年保護台灣學術網路不當資訊管制
刊名 作者授權  
期數 201312 (2013:12期)
該期刊-上一篇 學術自由保障下的學生自治
該期刊-下一篇 在學關係與學生申訴




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