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The intellectuals in the late Qing Dynasty who were affected by theory of evolution: a case study of Jiang Guan-yun
作者 張日郡
"Historian Zhang Hao said Chiang Kuan-yun (1866-1929) is a typical intellectual during transformation era. (1895-1925). His intellectual growing process which is from traditional private school education to Western learning, is characterized by the blending of East and West with the new and old vision. His writing in the ''Xinmin Cong Bao'', which has influenced contemporary and contemporary Chinese folklore. In fact, China in the late Qing Dynasty was faced with an unprecedented change and the crisis of the national race. Theory of the Heavenly Revelation which was translates by Yan Fu , such evolution views like self-reliance, natural selection and survival of the fittest, became very popular in the intellectual group of the late Qing Dynasty and influenced countless scholars. If we combined Chiang Kuan-yun's series of enlightening articles, we will find articles such as ''The Chinese Ethnology'' and ''The Man of Mythical History'', which are full of evolutionism, and it deserved careful attention and thorough investigation. Therefore, this article wishes to observe in the ''transitional era'' how did Chiang Kuan-Yun discusses the origins of the Chinese race, and how he deals with ''the Chinese race come from West'', and rebuild traditional Chinese myths and legends, such as the ''Shan Hai Jing'', which shows his special concern for the nation and its people."
起訖頁 23-54
關鍵詞 蔣觀雲進化論啟蒙中國人種考神話Jiang Kuan-yunEvolutionismEnlightenmentChinese EthnologyMyth
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 202106 (32期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 重讀〈虬髯客傳〉──以敘事學為切入視角
該期刊-下一篇 文學的生產與傳播──以《張秀亞全集》為研究對象




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