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The Constructing of the Evaluation Indicators System for School As Learning Community Operating in Elementary and Junior high Schools: From the Perspective of Leadership for Learning
作者 林斌馬孟平
源自日本之「學習共同體」(school as learning community),強調教師在學習社群中提升教學知能,學生在支持氛圍下透過課堂協同學習,增加學習動機,提升學習表現。故本研究採用學習領導的觀點,運用德懷術及層級分析法,建構本土化國民中小學學習共同體運作評估指標系統之內涵及相對權重,俾供主管機關、國民中小學教育人員、家長團體及後續研究者參考。本研究結果之評估指標系統共含4個層面、22個向度及55項檢核示例,各層面權重依序為「行政支持與教學領導」(18.8%)、「教師共學與社群運作」(32.1%)、「學生對話與學習表現」(40.2%)、「家長認同與專業參與」(8.9%),最後依研究結果對各利害關係人提供政策建議。
School as Learning Community model originated from Japan is to enable teachers to improve teaching abilities in the cooperative learning community. Students can enhance their learning motivation through classroom collaborative learning and support atmosphere, and improve their academic performance. Therefore, This study is based on the theory of learning leadership, by using the Delphi and hierarchical analysis methods, to construct the content and relative weights of the evaluation indicators system for school as learning community operating in the elementary and junior high schools. The results includes 4 levels, 22 dimensions and 55 check-up examples. The weights of each level are (I) "Administrative Support and Teaching Leadership" (18.8%), (II) "Teacher Co-learning and Community Operation" (32.1%), (III) "Student Dialogue and Learning Performance" (40.2%), (IV) "Parent Identification and Professional Participation" (8.9%). Finally, according to results, policy suggestions for the stakeholders would proposed as reference.
起訖頁 99-149
關鍵詞 學習共同體學習領導德懷術層級分析法
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 202105 (45期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 不同成就小六生社會科選擇題出題表現之比較研究
該期刊-下一篇 國內閱讀教育的推廣概況




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